Chrono Compendium

Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis => Chrono Trigger DS Analysis => Topic started by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 06:39:35 pm

Title: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 06:39:35 pm
What is the correct way of spelling the main characters name. Now that theres an extra digit in the DS version, is it appropriate to call him Chrono instead of Crono or should you continue to spell it as Crono as it is the original way of spelling it but only due to a character limit. The reason I ask this is because I am starting a New Game Plus in which this will be my ultimate and perfect playthrough or file. Any thoughts and if this has already been discussed can I please be directed to the appropraiate thread. Thank you.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 06:57:20 pm
I think the only one in question is Crono's. I'd leave it as is with everything (even the CTDS trailer in English) calling him "Crono" and not "Chrono" (the closest I've seen is a battle screenshot in which he is called "Chrno" as in "Chrno Crusade"
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 06:59:09 pm
Well I was thinking of calling him Chrono but you make a good point in regards to the trailers, instruction manual and such saying Crono instead of Chrono.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Chocobo_Fan on January 06, 2009, 07:01:37 pm
You can spell it either way, though I prefer Crono... The literal translation of it is "Kurono", though that's just the Japanese trying to pronounce "Chrono", I think.

If you want the most "accurate" name for him, call him Chrono. If you want a name that actually sounds like a name and not a word, call him Crono. It doesn't really matter, though. Call him whatever you want.

(Oh, I'd recommend calling Frog "Glenn", by the way. I just think it makes more sense... Your choice, though)

Don't freak out if you get something wrong, though. The Nu in the Laruba Ruins can rename your characters, remember.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 07:03:42 pm
I usually do call Frog "Glenn" as it seems more appropraite considering that people who actually know him will address him as Frog or Glenn depending on how you named him. I think I shall call him Crono. What about Magus. Should his name be changed to Janus?
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Chocobo_Fan on January 06, 2009, 07:04:53 pm
Oh yeah, forgot about him. I always call him Janus as well.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 07:07:40 pm
Which makes sense considering his original name was Janus but he was given the name Magus.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 07:12:55 pm
I call him Janus, too. And in my two CT AU fics, he is called Janus when he enters the party at North Cape.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 07:20:36 pm
Doesn't his sister say that as well when your fighting the Dream Devourer in the new ending? If so then it would be correct to call him Janus.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 07:26:02 pm
No, it wouldn't. Janus takes the name "Magus" during his time among the Mystics (I hate calling them fiends) and changes completely.

I just call him Janus as a means of him returning to his former self, like in "Chrono Trigger Prophecies" by Jerm on IcyBrian.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Chocobo_Fan on January 06, 2009, 07:31:24 pm
"Maou" (Janus's Japanese name) means, according to the translators, "Dark King" or "Witch King". "Magus" is a title, not a name. The Fiends (Yes, "Fiend" is far more accurate. Their original name was "Demon") simply gave him that title. His name is not Magus, it's Janus.

And also, Schala does indeed call him Janus in Dream's Epilogue, which pretty much seals the deal.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: KebreI on January 06, 2009, 08:58:46 pm
Glenn and Janus always seemed like poor choices, my brother uses them but it doesn't quite make sense storywise.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Syrek on January 06, 2009, 09:49:45 pm
It makes perfect story sense to me. Whats the point of Glenn not revealing his true name, and why should Magus become Janus after he joins the party. Its not as if he wanted the name, the Fiends gave him that name as a title or name if you will. Plus Schala does call Magus Janus in the Dreams Epilogue.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on January 06, 2009, 10:00:05 pm
I always called Magus Janus because I feel that, after the climatic events in 600AD, he sheds the Magus persona and, to a certain extent, reverts to the person who was Janus.  Sort of like how Anikan Skywalker became Darth Vader, and then, briefly, reverted back to the person who is Anikan Skywalker.  Then he died.  But that's beside the point!

Besides, in the Star Wars: Infinities series he survives and joins the Rebellion, taking on an all-white version of the suit to take on Palpatine and the Galactic Empire...

As for Frog, I've always called him Glenn.  Well, maybe not always, seeing as how I didn't know Frog's real name was Glenn my first playthrough...  I also went through a period where I called Robo "Iron".
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 10:26:00 pm
I once called Robo "Tmntr' or "TerMiNaToR" yeah, I failed it. My skill was not enough.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: HyperNerd on January 06, 2009, 11:25:31 pm
I called Robo R-66Y Once to see what Marle would do.

"And she didn't disapoint. She let Five people die." Just kidding, lol.
After forcing Crono to call him something else, she decided "Yeah, R-66Y! That's a great name!!"
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: V_Translanka on January 06, 2009, 11:39:52 pm
If you want a name that actually sounds like a name and not a word, call him Crono.

They both sound exactly the same (the H in Chrono is silent and doesn't effect pronunciation). Most names are words (to get technical all of them are).

(Oh, I'd recommend calling Frog "Glenn", by the way. I just think it makes more sense... Your choice, though)

Kaeru FTW!! But really, I think calling him Glenn only makes sense once he's laid Cyrus' ghost to rest and finally reclaimed his name. I could also see making a case for right after he first regains the Masamune, after he opens the cave to Magus' castle, but you don't get access to the renaming Nu (Numingway! >_>) that early, so...

"Maou" (Janus's Japanese name) means, according to the translators, "Dark King" or "Witch King". "Magus" is a title, not a name...His name is not Magus, it's Janus.

Like previously stated by me in this post, words are often used as names. Just like how Kaeru means both Frog & Change, but it's also his name. Maou is his name at that time. We don't know the exact circumstances for the name change, but I think it more than made sense for him to change his name...or at least it was understandable...

I'd go for either Maou or Gil for renames in Magus' case. Maou would make sense since that's who the party knows him as and he really has no reason to change for them. Then again, it is part of his past life, so I could see him already change his name to Gil as a way of starting over, but I think now with the new ending, such would probably occur post-game.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 11:48:21 pm
Now that I've read that, Trans, I might call him "Magil" when I recruit him next run.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: utunnels on January 07, 2009, 01:06:05 am
It reminds me of Chronus(Khronos ) and Cronus(Kronos), I recall RD used this name once, and titled him "Father of the Sky", I don't know which one did it refer to.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 07, 2009, 06:23:11 pm
I watched a "Let's play Chrono Trigger" video on Youtube once and I couldn't finish it because the guy in the video kept pronouncing Crono as "CrAW-no". Who the hell pronounces it Crawno? His name was obviously inspired by the word Chrono. Do you say CrAW-no Trigger?
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 07, 2009, 06:54:28 pm
Whose LP was?
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 07, 2009, 07:01:23 pm
Heeere we go:

"Crawno". It's like nails on chalkboard to me for some reason. It's pronounced "Crow-no"! Crono, Chrono. Crono, Chrono.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 07, 2009, 07:08:05 pm
I've heard it pronounced "Cr-on-oh" before.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 07, 2009, 07:11:06 pm
Which is basically the same thing I was saying. It's weird and abrasive to my ears.

Although, I suppose I can see how it could be mispronounced. I'm originally from Massachusetts and although I have tried to completely lose my accent in the ten or so years that I've been down here, there are still a few words that I refuse to change my pronunciation on - "forest" I pronounce "FARest" and "orange" I pronounce "ARRange". There are probably a few others too.

But "Crono" pronounced "Craw-no" and not "Croh-no"? Blasphemous.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 07, 2009, 07:12:52 pm
Hey, no-one said specifically how each name was pronounced. For all we know, "Crawno" might be how it's supposed to be pronounced.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: HyperNerd on January 07, 2009, 07:18:42 pm
I Agree with Crow No Eric.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: ZeaLitY on January 07, 2009, 07:21:04 pm
Chronograph is pronounced crow-no, not craw-no. Chronological can go either way. To approximate the Japanese, crow-no is best.

And I agree, craw-no sounds retarded.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: KebreI on January 07, 2009, 08:10:52 pm
While were here How do you pronounce Marle? I have always said "Mar-Lay", Having gone year before meting another Fan of the series that how I got in the habit of saying it he said Mar-L but soon got in the habit of saying it may way. Later I met many Chrono fan who all say Mar-L or Mar-lay.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: HyperNerd on January 07, 2009, 08:25:04 pm
I call her Mar Lay too, one of my friends called her Mar luh once.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: V_Translanka on January 07, 2009, 08:47:16 pm
I use Mar-lee, even though I know it's supposed to be Marl...It's supposed to be like her cutting off her real name mid-sentence...

Quote from: Compendium Encyclopedia
Japanese Name: マール Maaru, Maarudia (Marl, Princess Marldia)

What a creative ditz. Nadia=stupid.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 07, 2009, 08:49:41 pm
Hey, no-one said specifically how each name was pronounced. For all we know, "Crawno" might be how it's supposed to be pronounced.

They name is obviously a pun on "Chrono" which isn't pronounced "Craw-no". So, in short, no.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 07, 2009, 09:25:08 pm
Place the first two letters in her English real name (Nadia) after the remaining three and you get "Diana"

Something I recently noticed.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 07, 2009, 09:33:54 pm
Chrono should be spelled as Kurono which is the way to pronunce it in japanese.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 07, 2009, 09:41:19 pm
Now this is why I like that spanish has nearly the same pronounciation rules of japanese. I have no trouble figuring it out.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: V_Translanka on January 07, 2009, 11:26:12 pm
Chrono should be spelled as Kurono which is the way to pronunce it in japanese.

I'm pretty sure that Kurono is his name in Romanji, so it makes sense to use it as the guide to pronunciation...

One thing though is that the Japanese trailer for CTDS uses "Chrono" for his name...but it also uses Eira for Ayla, so that's like an incomplete translation for her, I guess...idk the transition from Ei to Ay...>_>
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: utunnels on January 08, 2009, 01:04:49 am
Maybe it was 5-characters limit that made him Crono. Or perhaps they thought Chrono didn's sound like a name, but who knows.
But what does it matter?
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Onikage725 on January 08, 2009, 06:02:48 pm
I tend to use Nadia for Marle. Marl makes perfect sense in the Japanese version. Marle is just random in the US version. So I figure her just presenting a normal name without title (Nadia/Princess Nadia) is a close approximation of her giving her name without the family extension (Marl/Marldia).

Maou for Magus is a darn good idea. Especially since the new script calls him Fiendlord half the time. I hate using Janus because *everyone* uses it. Fiends who where calling him the great Magus before you all get sucked through a gate see him again and call him the great Janus. Ozzie, Slash and Flea as well (though I could picture those three knowing his personal name). People casually discussing the war in 600 AD and 1000 AD randomly begin to talk about the "war with Janus." It really irks me.

I have become accustomed to calling Frog Glenn, because he doesn't seem skittish in divulging his backstory.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 07:38:19 pm
Or perhaps they thought Chrono didn's sound like a name, but who knows.

And Crono does?  :D In RPG's it doesn't matter what whacky names the characters are given. Anything goes. 
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 07:46:16 pm
Here are the names I have/will designate(d) to the characters in my current NewGame+ run through CTDS.

Crono - Same name
Marle - Nadia
Lucca - Same name
Frog - Glenn
Robo - R-66-Y (I have placed the dash in both places where's it's used. "R-66Y" when welcomed by Mother Brain, and "R66-Y" when Robo first introduces himself.)
Ayla - Same name
Magus - Janus (Only thing between my runs through CTDS that never changed.)

In RPG's it doesn't matter what whacky names the characters are given. Anything goes. 

True enough. They renamed Tina "Terra" in FF6 for the sake of her name staying exotic.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 07:49:19 pm
If I renamed myself Zuesiase, and Gave myself a cool description, I could pass as an RPG charecter. Hell, anyone of us could!
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 08:11:20 pm
True enough. They renamed Tina "Terra" in FF6 for the sake of her name staying exotic.

I actually like the name Terra better than Tina and I think it was a good choice for the sole reason that she is exotic and very unique in the world. Typically names that match the characters in some way are fine with me no matter how exotic they sound. Like "Squall" for example. It fits his personality very well.

As for Chrono characters, I always keep them the same names. Frog has abandoned his past as Glenn and has taken on a new identity so I keep his name Frog. Magus I keep the same for exactly the same reason as Frog. Robo I keep the same because it was meant to be an endearing name, and symbolic of the closeness of the party. Marle is the only one I would change since she only made up that name as a temporary guise, but I never really saw the point in changing it.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 08:24:08 pm
Unfortunately, "Terra" isn't her name, and now FFXIII has a character who's actual name is Terra...Another Woosley ace in the hole...! >_>

To me, Terra is just as generic as Tina (I've never even known a Tina)'s just a stupid spelling of Tarah or Tara with a earthly connotation (that doesn't really fit Tina at all...)...Even if I thought Tina was plain, I'd still say it was a good choice because you don't need extra confirmation that Tina is special. She doesn't need a different name & she doesn't need green hair either.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 08:46:30 pm
All I see about her name being Terra is that is another opposite to Celes, this case, the name.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 09:21:24 pm
Like "Squall" for example. It fits his personality very well.

Speaking of Squall, where the hell did they get the idea to call him "Leon" in KH? (And the fact that it's in his surname, Leonhart, doesn't count.)
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 09:24:47 pm
cause Leon sounds cooler  8). I always change the main charecter's names in CT, exept for the First playthrough. Crono=Crono, Lucca= Lucca,  Marle=Nadia, Frog=Glenn, Robo= R-66Y, Ayla=Ayla, Magus=Janus.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 09:26:45 pm
I usually don't change the names. Never.

About Squall, what they were thinking? He should have kept the name.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 08, 2009, 10:18:48 pm
Like "Squall" for example. It fits his personality very well.

Speaking of Squall, where the hell did they get the idea to call him "Leon" in KH? (And the fact that it's in his surname, Leonhart, doesn't count.)

He was called (by himself) Leon in KH because he wanted to forget his past and even in Dissidia he gets angry when they call him Squall.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 09, 2009, 01:19:47 am
I always change the main charecter's names in CT, exept for the First playthrough. Crono=Crono, Lucca= Lucca,  Marle=Nadia, Frog=Glenn, Robo= R-66Y, Ayla=Ayla, Magus=Janus.

A single hyphen short of what I'm doing now.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 02:05:32 am
He was called (by himself) Leon in KH because he wanted to forget his past and even in Dissidia he gets angry when they call him Squall.

That's interesting. I haven't played either game. But I always thought that the character of Squall was inspired by the character of "Leon" or "Leonhart" (whatever you want to call him) from FF II - hence his surname.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Tokyotony on January 09, 2009, 02:13:02 am
I gave all the characters their own names except Ayla, I liked Ayla.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 09, 2009, 08:59:38 am
His motive for renaming in KH was because he felt ashamed at not being able to fend off the Heartless as they invaded Radiant Garden.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 04:33:20 pm
That's interesting. In FF II Leonhart is brainwashed by the empire to become a dark knight and does terrible things like forcing the people of a town into slavery, then he feels ashamed about his actions later on and devotes himself to the party's cause.

Hello random FFII spoiler...! >_>

Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Onikage725 on January 09, 2009, 11:54:40 pm
Wow, a lot of people like doing Magus - Janus. I just really can't handle ordinary citizens suddenly knowing his Zeal name.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 05:10:51 am
Hello random FFII spoiler...! >_>

Whoops  :shock:. Sorry V_Translanka, I don't know why I didn't think to mark that.
Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Lord Homonculous on January 26, 2009, 03:04:17 pm
"Maou" (Janus's Japanese name) means, according to the translators, "Dark King" or "Witch King". "Magus" is a title, not a name.

Strictly speaking, "Magus" is a title rather than a name, true, but in the Middle Ages he went by no other name. There's no problem with his continuing to go by the "name" Magus in an English-language playthrough, since it's the name that the party knows him best by.
You're a bit off on the translation, though. The word "Maou" carries with it some ambiguity depending on how you translate the kanji (see below).

The Fiends (Yes, "Fiend" is far more accurate. Their original name was "Demon") simply gave him that title.

There are a number of reasons (beyond simply the preservation of canon) why the term "Fiend" is inappropriate for the Mystic races. The first being that it's a rather pejorative translation that loses the subtlety embedded in the original Japanese name. The Mystics in Chrono Trigger are called "Mazoku" (魔族). Zoku (族) means "race" (kind of), but "Ma" (魔) does not necessarily mean "demon." It is also used extensively throughout Japanese fantasy and fiction to mean magic, or express in derived words a connection with the supernatural or the occult. (as in Final Fantasy, where the Japanese names for Black and White Magic are "Kuro Mahou" and "Shiro Mahou," both using the 魔 character -- would you translate Black Mage as Black Demon?) In this reading, the name "Mystic" clearly makes the most sense.

Both the name "Fiend" and the reading of "Mazoku" to mean "Demon Race" are unequivocally negative, blackballing the Mystics as inherently evil (despite the fact that the Mystics are redeemed after the party defeats Ozzie's Fort; and later, in Chrono Cross, it's stated that Mystics send scientists to aid in the Chronopolis project). I think that this takes something away from the original Japanese use of "Mazoku"; at least when the race is called "Mystics," the reading can remain neutral, and these creatures can transition easily from being villains to friends with the movement of the story. This is the best we on the English side can do, since we don't use kanji, and our written language doesn't benefit from the kind of nuanced interpretation that Japanese players get.

And also, Schala does indeed call him Janus in Dream's Epilogue, which pretty much seals the deal.

This doesn't really seal any deals... of course she'd call him Janus. That's the name she knows him by. Atropos calls Robo "Prometheus" -- does that make Robo or R66-Y untrue? No. In the context of the English language translation, both Janus and Magus are names the character uses.

Title: Re: The Real Way to Spell the Main Characters Name
Post by: Phillies64 on January 26, 2009, 03:28:23 pm
Wow, a lot of people like doing Magus - Janus. I just really can't handle ordinary citizens suddenly knowing his Zeal name.

Personally, I feel he wouldn't want to be known as Janus, the little boy who couldn't help his sister. I never rename him. It seems out of character.