Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion => Topic started by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 01:44:15 am

Title: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 01:44:15 am
This has probably been noted many times, but what the heck.

With the release of CTDS, a whole new generation of Chrono fans has the potential to be born. But sadly, the Rerelease has been let out with close to no public spreading. So-it is up to us Compendiumites to deliver the public news, and eventually convince Square to release a new Installment in the series. So, how will you help?

I've told everyone who will listen and who has a DS to purchase a copy, and then Join the Compendium and offer intelligent anaylisis, if they liked it. (Which I'm certain they would.)
I also got my Science teacher Mother to call her Classroom pet frog, Frog, and post a picture of him on it's tank, lol.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: V_Translanka on December 25, 2008, 01:46:48 am
I'm fairly sure there was a topic about this already...I cba to find it though (anyone?)...That frog thing sounds neat I guess...Though how it spreads awareness, idk...Unless someone already knows who Frog is, I don't see how they'll get the references...
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Jutty on December 25, 2008, 01:50:00 am
Not a whole lot we can do other than affiliate with bigger rpg sites. Or advertise there. I mean we can tell a few people, but most gamers know about the existence of Chrono Trigger. A lot of them refuse to give Square the amount of money they want for a port. Younger people I know refuse to play it because it's not 3d and such. I'm pretty sure it's getting exposure tho. A lot of press is labeling it as one of the best DS games and the Game FAQs character battle shows the Crono is still relevant as it is nothing more than a popularity contest.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 01:58:08 am
They won't pay because it's 2D!?
What a bunch of idiots...
the majority of 2D games are better than the majority of 3D games...

The Frog thing would hopefully inspire the people who know what it is to tell people about it. Also, it Would have CHRONO TRIGGER on it, and maybe they had heard about it somewhere else, and decided to google it. Or Notice the DBZ art style and become Interested. But, it is Middle school so..
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 02:23:19 am
I've told everyone who will listen and who has a DS to purchase a copy...

I did that, but not the latter part, about joining, which I omitted from the quote.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 02:42:51 pm
I figured that if they join, they should know about this godly website. When I say this, I'm not kidding: You people are the friendliest I have ever met on an online website. Really. Also, most of the people who will listen to me are not Trolls, a la GameFAQs. No, most of my friends are smart. In fact, the people who torture me on a daily basis I would never tell them about, as they don't deserve to play the games. I'm just waiting until they get a job doing my yardwork!! :twisted:

(ZeaLity, if you're reading this, have you thought about a Kefka smiley?)
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 06:30:21 pm
Younger people I know refuse to play it because it's not 3d and such.

Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: mav on December 25, 2008, 06:36:49 pm
Yeah, just the thought of such ignorance really pisses me off. Do these kids even know what they're missing by not taking a look at 2D games? It's history dammit, and that's where all the greatness is.

But as much as I'd like to spread awareness of the Chrono series, I don't think I'd be too useful: I'm getting old, and the people who need to pick up Chrono Trigger are a bit younger than I am. They're the ones who need to pick up the torch, and frankly, I don't even know where to find 'em.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 06:38:51 pm
I'm getting old...

How old ARE you?
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 06:44:29 pm
I'm 23. But I still love CT. I'll probably always love video games. Especially the old timeless classics that I grew up with. We're that generation. This new generation of younger kids with their X-Box's and their fancy 3-D graphics and their rap music and their *grumble* *grumble*. When I was a kid we had to walk uphill both ways to play video games. And they were 2D. And we were happy with it.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: teaflower on December 25, 2008, 06:48:57 pm
I tell everyone I know how CTDS is here and that's what I want, but they don't really listen. Then again, I have seen NOTHING for it. Nothing at GameStop, nothing at Wal-Mart, nothing at K-Mart, absolutely nothing. Ugh.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 06:53:55 pm
I'm 23.

Heh, I wasn't asking you. :oops:
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 06:57:00 pm
I have seen NOTHING for it. Nothing at GameStop, nothing at Wal-Mart, nothing at K-Mart, absolutely nothing. Ugh.

My point Exactly. I don't care about Graphics, my only thing is They can't make my eyes hurt (I'm lookin' at YOU runescape!!) For example, If I can't understand the Graphics, Such as if Serge was a Block with a circle on top for a head and two lines for arms, then I'd have some bad vibes about the game. But when it's as Beautiful as it is, I have no problem. What I look for in a game is

Graphics and other things can't hurt it, but It doesn't decide if It's a crappy game for me. For example I'd rather play Goldeneye then Halo 3.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: teaflower on December 25, 2008, 07:13:48 pm
I know what you're talking about, man! I want me the good story, the good gameplay, the good things that really count. I'd rather play old school Sonic than the new shit they come out with.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 07:16:42 pm
A friend of mine LOVES Sonic Unleashed. She's a wolf person at heart, so it must be because of the werewolf theme. :D
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 07:22:12 pm
The last good Sonic game was Sonic Rush, but the Story was retarded. The last Insanely great Sonic game was in my opinion Adventure 2 Battle. But I've always been a super Nintendo fan (Yes, in both Literal and by using super as an adjective.)
Actually, It's kind of sad, but Me and my friends now make fun of Sonic, who used to be a charecter that was cool and respected, on a Daily Basis. (YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!!)
Oh yeah, wolves are my Favorite animal too  :) But that game looks retarded :(
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: mav on December 25, 2008, 07:22:43 pm
A friend of mine LOVES Sonic Unleashed. She's a wolf person at heart, so it must be because of the werewolf theme. :D
Hah, I suppose that's one way to appeal to people--let's find all the frog lovers of the world and point 'em in the direction of CT! Anyhow, I'm in my early twenties--I'm not that old, but my generation grew up on the SNES, and it's the N64 generation that needs to be shown the classiness of 2D games.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 07:24:05 pm
More like the GCN/Wii generation, Mav.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: mav on December 25, 2008, 07:28:52 pm
Eh, the Gamecube generation is a bit too young, if you ask me, the N64 generation is just right--they've seen good 3D games, like OoT and Mario 64, now they just need to good games that aren't 3D. Thankfully we all have the option of trying out some decent 2D games on the Virtual Console; if some kids open up to that, they'll surely be happy.

Part of me wonders how these kids reacted to the DS release of FFIV...full-blown 3D graphics, and a phenomenal should have pleased everyone, right?
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 07:38:26 pm
Technically I'm the N64 generation, But my first game was on the SNES, I played it in 1998 (I believe?)
DK country, peoples!!! CT and FF and stuff came later, but that game started it all. If I become a Famous RPG programmer like I intend to become, then thank Early Rare. Another thing I've noticed: A lot of good RPG's have Frogs. I mean really. Mother 3, CT, Final Fantasy series, EVERYWHERE!!!!
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 25, 2008, 07:55:06 pm
The first console I owned was the Playstation 2, at the age of 10. However, the first videogames I saw (and later played) were some of my aunt's Playstation ones.

Although I prefer many of the older games, especially the Snes ones.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 07:56:42 pm
First console was the NES, since my oldest brother was born in 1980, and I played the hell out of CV3, FFMQ, and games like that.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 11:05:25 pm
Heh, I wasn't asking you. :oops:

No kidding. I was just putting in my two cents.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Jutty on December 25, 2008, 11:09:01 pm
It seems the majority of the compendium is in their early to mid twenties.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 11:30:18 pm
Probably because that's the age group that would have grown up with CT. Like I said, kids nowadays...

I really hope CTDS takes off enough to get them thinking about truly reviving the series.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 11:31:48 pm
Heh, I wasn't asking you. :oops:

No kidding. I was just putting in my two cents.

Ah, my bad.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 26, 2008, 12:03:41 am
I wonder if I had the chance to play Cross years before I actually did. My aunt owned (or still does? I don't know) a big box full of PS games. Like 100 or so. There is a probability Cross was among them. But now, I don't have a way to find out.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: chrono eric on December 26, 2008, 01:14:06 am
Can you ask your aunt? Maybe you could get some free PSX games out of it.

Then dump them on your hard drive and get ePSXe (best emulator IMO) with Daemon Tools and then sell them for cash.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 26, 2008, 01:29:34 am
ChronoEric: could you PM me with instructions on how to get ePSXe?
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 26, 2008, 01:38:10 am
Can you ask your aunt? Maybe you could get some free PSX games out of it.

As much as I would like to, there isn't really that many games I really want. And I'm sure she doesn't have the one I really want.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: HyperNerd on December 26, 2008, 01:41:06 am
Which one is that?
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 26, 2008, 01:47:37 am
Which one is that?

Ace Combat 3 JP. 4 and 5 are good to me, but other than Zero, 3J is the one I also want to get.
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: kingpingu30 on October 16, 2009, 04:54:26 pm
Although CTDS has been out for MONTHS now, I am still shocked by the lack of respect it gets. Because I live in England, I wasn't entirely surprised beforehand, considering that the game had never been released here until CTDS. Back then, including me, there were about 3 other people at my school of 1600+ pupils that actually knew what it was. Now, despite the fact that ever since I purchased it I had been posting updates on facebook talking about nothing but CT, and that I have been playing it around school during breaks and such, I have managed to make 5 people more aware of it. Just 5. I'd still prefer CT in all of its 2D goodness to some crappy 3D RPG where the companies have focused so much time on graphical work that the stories suck ass. If you want an example, look at FF12.

The lack of respect that CT gets over here actually disgusts me. Some random dickhead saw me playing it and actually said to me, "That game is retarded". I just wanted to get up and beat that little fuckwit shitless. I mean, the nerve of that guy...

I'm only 16 myself, and I grew up in the 3D generation, but 2D games, mainly 2D RPGs, are still better imo. Even if my experience of playing CT is relatively short, It is still one of the best games I have ever played.

But hey, at least I've come up with a way to spread general Chrono awareness within a school. Actually just play the damn game in front of them. I mean, I've convinced one guy so much with 10 minutes of CT that he actually dreamt about it.

This needed to be said.

Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: JforJayson on October 16, 2009, 05:51:27 pm
I've been telling people I know who like RPGs to try Cross and Trigger for years now.  So far I've only managed to get one guy to play Cross because I told him it was 3D.  He didn't like it because by then, two generations had rolled in.  I need a new crowd. :picardno
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: kingpingu30 on October 16, 2009, 07:37:39 pm
I haven't really had years, but I'm gonna make up for lost time and make CT known in my school. I'm pretty famous for making and reviving things in my school, like yugioh, and interest in the pokemon games. CT shouldn't be much of a challenge, I hope...
Title: Re: Spreading general Chrono Awareness
Post by: Crono666 on October 17, 2009, 04:57:46 am
The real problem with getting young people nowadays to try games like Chrono Trigger is the fact that they will take one look at the game's graphics, and see that it's not 3-D and then they will refuse to play it.
Plus the fact that you have to read the text that appears on the screen if you want to know the story.
A lot of young people nowadays don't like to read.

Also the Chrono games might seem to slow for gamers who play today's games like "Grand Theft Auto".