Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Chrono Trigger Modification => Topic started by: Shee on December 07, 2008, 06:03:15 am

Title: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 07, 2008, 06:03:15 am
Okay, so I've just begun this crazy world of ROM hacking.  The closest thing I've done this before is some messing around witht he Construction Set for Oblivion.  As for this game, a fan fiction is not out of the question but for now I'm just goofing around and getting comfortable with things.  Here's what's happened so far:

I put Dalton in the first screen of the Millenial Fair and changed the music to Delightful Spekkio and changed some intruments for fun.  Sure enough, Dalton was there and the music was changed but no one else was around.  When I went up to the next screen, the music would change back and the normal people would be there.  When I would return, the music would change back, but with Marle or not the game would freeze.

I can't figure Activate for some reason.  I tried to activate Dalton so he'd do his goofy heroic pose and the music would change, but I can't get it.  One time I put him Gato's area and accidentally he wound up in the Gato fight!  Yea whiffarooski for Crono...

Sorry for being so long-winded but I'm new to this.
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 08, 2008, 01:50:55 am
Oi, nothing new to report as of yet.  The only program I've worked with so far is Temporal Flux.  I haven't done anything with Tile Molestor or anything of the sort.  Is it more prudent to have a small section to work with in the beginning?  I understand that some NPC can warp you to a debug room, but I don't know how to program that. 

I just need a lil' work, I feel that the tutorials assume I know more than I do. :shock:
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Chrono'99 on December 12, 2008, 01:16:22 pm
It's curious that all the NPCs disappeared. Did you change something in their Objects (or outright removed their Objects)?
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 15, 2008, 09:02:35 pm
I suppose this could be my "help Shee not feel like an idiot" thread.  As stated in my welcome thread, I moved Dalton to Lucca's Workshop because the Fair is a glitch have, for me at least.  I had the fireballs working, but accidentally delted teh ROM, so I made a new copy!  With the fireballs and dialogue SEEMINGLY under control, the next obstacle for me is movement.  When I turn Party Explore off and try to move them...they go VERY far away, and I tried to move Dalton inbetween some lines and tried to leave the room!  Now I'm fairly sure the coords are correct, or else Dalton wouldn't be there in the firs place.....hmmmmmm
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 16, 2008, 12:34:48 am
Okay, almost back to where I was before I delted the ROM.  At this point, Dalton will say his line and all the animations and sounds are correct.  However, the fireballs are wandering away much like the PC's when I command them to move for battle and I DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT!  I'm trying to call on maybe the activate or touch funcition instead of the arbitrary one but I don't know...

Any one know why anytime I try to move someone in the workshop they wander aimlessly away instead of to the coordinates?

I have corrected coordinates and things are moving correctly.  YAY PROGRESS!  As it stands this is what happens:

You enter the Workshop to Delightful Spekkio.  Approach Dalton and Undersea Palace starts playing.  Party moves back correctly.  He does a heroic pose with sound then fires a fireball at Crono.  Says stuff, laughs, floats**, walks over a bit and fires a fireball at Marle*, then a bolt at her.  Since I can't get Crono or Marle to do anything, Dalton gets mad then floats** back to his original spot saying a line then battle ensues to Schala's theme.

*Here are the issues.  I went to see what happens without Marle in my party, and the 2nd fireball and bolt intended for her stay put and hit Dalton.  I suppose I need some sort of "conditional" or "if" command, which I'm not versed in yet.  I'm trying to get Marle on her knees.... :picardno    wow when I read over this I had to leave that in...ANYWAY I'm trying to get Marle in a wounded position (Animations 5 or 8 or something)and scream.  Only the scream works right now.

**When I say "float" I mean Dalton's Animation 01.  His robe floats around.  I saw that Animation 00 for him is normal but when he moves I'm not sure if his legs are moving or if he's just floating along.  At least he's not laughing as he's walking anymore  :x  I noticed that in the Animation offset list there's not much for ol' Dalton....I'm sure these have been brought up, but 00 seems to be normal, 01 is floating mentioned above, 05 is wounded, 06 is a heavy laugh,  07 is casting a spell, 08 is ornery, 09 is a smaller laugh, and A is the heroic pose jam.  Again,  is this has all been established, my b.

Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 16, 2008, 05:41:31 am

So the 00 Animation for Dalton dosen't have moving legs.  Still, only screams from Marle.  Getting the hang of moving sprites more.  Next step is reactions from Crono and Marle.  I'm also in the middle of a playthrough to see what happens if I return later with Lucca.  The scene is nice and short...really just some rambling lines and random poses.  But hey, it's progress for sure!
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 16, 2008, 08:04:42 am

Animation B is the walking animation for Dalton, and has changed everything for me.  FaustWolf, I haven't taken a look at that marveously intimidating list of HEX info you posted yet, but I am rapidly approaching the point of putting out the list of what I want to acheive next.  For now, it's firguring out some PC responses to my Dalton scene here.
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 17, 2008, 02:53:03 am
In an effort to keep my mind busy, I am going to be hitting this hard.  Some questions...if anyone knows answers that would be awesome...

Still having problems having PC's animate.  The little movement I gave Marle when she is hit by the bolt works, as far as her going to new coordinates, and so does the scream, but she does not fall over.

Is it simple to have an NPC warp me to a differnt location?  Or rather start things in a different place. levels, etc. thatn at the beginning of the game?  Well, I know it's possible, how difficult?

I'm getting ready to do this comedy hack for my friend.  Custom battle are something I need to research first, though.  Does all this HEX business come in handy when I need to change an enemy name, character name, HP..things like that?

The only cosmetic change I want is to give Crono black this difficult?
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: TheMage on December 17, 2008, 05:48:16 pm
All the luck to you I just started Rom hacking myself and every time I edit the objects I usually get a black screen of DEATH, though i'm workin on it.

I er....have no answers for ur questions save one because- I think I'm more inexperienced than you are- butttt

You can give Chrono black hair, the tricky part is loading it back into the Rom. I haven't figured out how to do this it has something to do with tile molester erm- this link might help:

But thats hard to understand with out this link--

....I dont get it and cant even get tile molester to open but I hope you have better luck and it helps you!
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 17, 2008, 08:36:00 pm
Thanks man...making things a little bit more cleaer....MASSIVE update PC animations are working now...I'M GETTIN THE HANG OF THIS WOOOOOO

Anyway, this allows me to finish my little scene here.  Would anyone be interested in seeing it when it's finished?  I don't knolw how that would work...if it would be done through patches or just a copy of the ROM...but let me know!!!
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: FaustWolf on December 17, 2008, 08:39:17 pm
You could upload an .ips patch or even make a Youtube video of your work.

If you feel you've got a really good handle on Temporal Flux, let us know and a fan project might just recruit you in the near future.
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 17, 2008, 08:44:00 pm
Cool man...I don't know how to make said IPS patch though I remember it from when I played Prophet's Guile.  Nor do I know how to record a video on the emulator.  Working through some changes with Dalton's animations, adding some lines, and then I'll pretty much be satisfied with this opening thing for me.

My first priority once I'm damn well acquainted with the program is a sgort comedy hack for a friend.  It's mostly scene based, not battle based.
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: Shee on December 17, 2008, 09:49:52 pm

I created a patch...should it go here...submissions?

It's easy.  Start the game as normal.  Go to the fair and collect Marle.  Go to Lucca's house where Dalton is.  Approach him and enjoy the first stuff I've ever done for a ROM hack of any kind!!!!

The IPS is in Submissions.
Title: Re: Here goes nothing...
Post by: TheMage on December 19, 2008, 09:08:45 pm
How did u make the IPS patch? Just curious cuz I don't know how lol