Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Submissions => Topic started by: BROJ on February 13, 2008, 04:52:33 pm

Title: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 13, 2008, 04:52:33 pm
So any ways after seeing all the artists here making wallpapers I thought I'd take a crack at it. I made everything except the ship, which I borrowed obviously. Tell me what you think!

Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: FaustWolf on February 13, 2008, 04:56:06 pm
Egg-cellent. I really like the swirly distortion between the Epoch and the gate.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: grey_the_angel on February 13, 2008, 08:10:51 pm
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 13, 2008, 08:44:47 pm
Yes, it is... and now my next picture:
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Glennleo on February 13, 2008, 09:17:06 pm
Definitely love the second one.

Only erk is the text is a bit tough to read, unless it just shrunk down due to being posted. I dunno.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 14, 2008, 11:58:20 am
Definitely love the second one.

Only erk is the text is a bit tough to read, unless it just shrunk down due to being posted. I dunno.

Made the text easier to read as per your suggestion.  :)
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 14, 2008, 08:09:32 pm
A picture I call "The Entity". Enjoy!  :D

Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: V_Translanka on February 14, 2008, 09:13:13 pm
I kind of like the second one, though I've seen wallpapers like it before...The quote chosen is kind of a long one...and really, do you need it to be "quoted" exactly? I mean, anyone who'd want it is going to know 1) those are pics of Magus & 2) Magus said that line. Putting the quotes around it & identifying who you're quoting seems redundant to me...but w/e...I'm a nitpicker by nature (not 'cuz I hate 'ya ^_^)...
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Kebrel on February 14, 2008, 09:17:20 pm
seconds not bad.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Azure on February 14, 2008, 09:31:14 pm
I'm curious as to what you used to make the third one.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 14, 2008, 09:40:35 pm
I'm curious as to what you used to make the third one.
Photoshop. To be specific I used the following functions (some used more than once.): Standard brush tool (used a *lot*), Wave, Find Edges, Zoom Blur, Gaussian Blur, Clouds, Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast and Difference Clouds. Plus I played around with the layer effects.

I kind of like the second one, though I've seen wallpapers like it before...The quote chosen is kind of a long one...and really, do you need it to be "quoted" exactly? I mean, anyone who'd want it is going to know 1) those are pics of Magus & 2) Magus said that line. Putting the quotes around it & identifying who you're quoting seems redundant to me...but w/e...I'm a nitpicker by nature (not 'cuz I hate 'ya ^_^)...

Its okay. I'm asking for critical review anyways, so its all good. :) Besides I'm not going to get any better if I don't get a criticism once in a while.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 14, 2008, 10:15:42 pm
Doublepost: Its come to my attention that my picture *are* suffering in quality due to the forums shrinking my pictures. For those who don't know (those who do know don't reply saying I already knew that.) to view in *true quality* right click on picture ->view image (or other equivalent.)
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: FaustWolf on February 14, 2008, 10:54:50 pm
Ooh, the Entity wallpaper reminds me of Deus from Xenogears for some reason -- the basic outline of the ghostly shape you have there and the Lavos-like baddie are similar. Is this the Entity's "form," i.e., could it be considered something that is at one with the planet yet apart from it, at least in the context of this work? Definitely my favorite of what you've posted so far.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 15, 2008, 12:56:53 am
Ooh, the Entity wallpaper reminds me of Deus from Xenogears for some reason -- the basic outline of the ghostly shape you have there and the Lavos-like baddie are similar. Is this the Entity's "form," i.e., could it be considered something that is at one with the planet yet apart from it, at least in the context of this work? Definitely my favorite of what you've posted so far.

Ooh, the Entity wallpaper reminds me of Deus from Xenogears for some reason -- the basic outline of the ghostly shape you have there and the Lavos-like baddie are similar.
It does seem reminiscent of Deus, doesn't it? :wink: But, I can assure you its only coincidence.

Is this the Entity's "form," i.e., could it be considered something that is at one with the planet yet apart from it, at least in the context of this work?
I imagined it as such: A being not only connected, but part of the planet with its fate mutually inclusive with the planet, only you or I could not observe it as its existence only becomes apparent at higher dimensions (e.g. a waveform existence).

Definitely my favorite of what you've posted so far.
Thank you!  :)

Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: FaustWolf on February 15, 2008, 11:22:20 am
BROJ, the waveform existence idea is pure and utter awesomeness. I've always thought the same about the Entity. I wonder if Kato had something like this in mind, or if the planet = Entity is "pure" naturalism, i.e., we are to take it that the earth itself, the trees, vines, and rivers, have some sort of animistic consciousness. How very interesting; I'm not sure what concrete evidence could be applied to this discussion. Anyway, wallpaper saved.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 15, 2008, 12:40:39 pm
BROJ, the waveform existence idea is pure and utter awesomeness. I've always thought the same about the Entity. I wonder if Kato had something like this in mind, or if the planet = Entity is "pure" naturalism, i.e., we are to take it that the earth itself, the trees, vines, and rivers, have some sort of animistic consciousness. How very interesting; I'm not sure what concrete evidence could be applied to this discussion. Anyway, wallpaper saved.

It would also allow, if Kato chose to do so, explain if, and assuming the answer is yes why, the planet/entity had consciousness across the dimensions (i.e. Chrono Cross) . And for a little food for thought; how would things such as the burnt piece of ground (e.g. Turnip the Onion Knight) sidequest and other similar occurances (forgive me for not being more specific I haven't played the game for a solid year now.) be possible without this assumption. This theory would "fix" a lot of inconsistencies in Chrono Cross if applied.  :)
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on February 16, 2008, 11:17:41 pm
New Picture: Something I just whipped together in a few minutes... Hope you enjoy it.  :)

Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: FaustWolf on March 22, 2008, 12:19:05 pm
Oooh! I didn't see this 'til now. Excellent work. If we ever do a large-scale CC hack with scenario changes, it would be awesome to distribute that image with the patch, and we could title the hack "Chrono Cross: The Darkness Beyond Time."

Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on March 23, 2008, 01:38:59 am
Oooh! I didn't see this 'til now. Excellent work. If we ever do a large-scale CC hack with scenario changes, it would be awesome to distribute that image with the patch, and we could title the hack "Chrono Cross: The Darkness Beyond Time."

I would be honored to contribute my picture to the upcoming project!   8)
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: VincentGAU8 on March 24, 2008, 02:37:26 am
All those Chrono wallpapers look really nice!!
great work!!
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Thought on March 24, 2008, 11:56:16 am
I like that last one, it has an old' school special effects feel to it. Alas, the others burn my eyes... and mind you, my usual wallpaper of choice is bright enough to burn the stars themsevles (, so that is saying something.

Out of curiosity, however... what is the Bloody Reaver of Judgement stuff about?
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on March 24, 2008, 11:48:22 pm
I like that last one, it has an old' school special effects feel to it. Alas, the others burn my eyes... and mind you, my usual wallpaper of choice is bright enough to burn the stars themsevles (, so that is saying something.
Thanks!  :D

Out of curiosity, however... what is the Bloody Reaver of Judgement stuff about?
BROJ=Bloody Reaver of Judgement; I shorten it for other's convenience. The inspiration behind the name is derived from the concept that every action one makes, determines how another will live and/or die.
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Thought on March 25, 2008, 10:34:32 am
And here I thought that BROJ meant "Brother Jay" or some such, along the lines of a DJ nickname.

... yes, I think Funkmaster BroJ has a nice ring to it
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on March 25, 2008, 04:52:27 pm
... yes, I think Funkmaster BroJ has a nice ring to it
Word.  8)
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on August 11, 2008, 08:32:27 pm
Something I whipped up in about an hour...
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on August 12, 2008, 03:58:45 am
that ones quite cool ! i like the effect it gives off
Title: Re: My first attempt at a Chrono Trigger Wallpaper
Post by: BROJ on August 13, 2008, 01:32:52 am
UPDATE: Didn't like the way the TD looked, so I fixed it. :)