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Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: MsBlack on December 05, 2007, 01:11:22 pm

Title: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: MsBlack on December 05, 2007, 01:11:22 pm
Well, a few hours ago I was bouncing a basketball while waiting for a game to start at school when I didn't quite prepare my left pinky for receiving the ball coming up when lunging after it and seemed to stub it. I hopped around comically with my finger between my legs half-laughing and half-shrieking. When the pain had mostly subsided, I inspected my hand. It looked quite like this. (

I stared at it for a second to make sure I wasn't hallucinating then started laughing. I let the ball bounce away and hastened off tot he 'school office' and explained that I seemed to have dislocated my finger. They tried to contact my mother, but couldn't, triet my grandfather but were uncsuccessful then tried him again a bit later and got through. He finally turned up almost an hour later and took me to the Accident and Emergency Minor Injuries Unit at the nearby hospital. After booking in, my grandfather went to park his car again (for he had initially parked it in an ambulance bay) and I waited for five to ten minutes to be seen. Eventually a nurse came out and led me into a cubicle. She asked me my date of birth, allergies, medicines I took etc. and looked at my finger. She said she would check something with somebody else and soon came back with an older nurse.

The older nurse quickly looked at the finger and immediately agreed it was dislocated. She said they would administer 'laughing gas' and get the bone back into place. When she reappeared, she had yet another doctor with her as well as a gas canister. She told me to breathe in from a tube emerging from the cylinder and to say when I started feeling strange. At the moment, I can't think of a way to describe how I felt... I've never 'taken' a hallucogenic, mariuana etc., but I can imagine that's what being 'high' feels like.

After around ten breaths, I told her that my head was beginning to feel funny. The latest, male doctor told me to take two more breaths, which I managed to do despite feeling like I had little control over my body. The first nurse, who I figured was still training to some extent, quickly held my left hand and pulled the pinky so the bone went back into place. As she did so, I felt a small amount of pain but, as I commented, it was incredible how rapid and effective the gas had been.

The senior nurse then asked the trainee something, testing her. She rapidly recited something, but I'm not sure what as I was still feeling strange. I got off the bed I had been lying on and sat in a chair until I felt normal. They put padding between my pinky and the one next to it (I always forget the fingers' names) and wrapped them together. My grandfather, upon an intercom announcement finally arrived and I was then instructed to go to the radiology department to get an x-ray.

We went to radiology and booked-in again at the radiology desk. After a couple of minutes, another doctor ushered me into a relatively vast room with a large machine fixed on rails suspended from the ceiling. I sat down and the doctor placed some black 'thing' under my arm then took two pictures. He sent the images back to the Minor Injuries Unit and instructed me to go back there.

My grandfather and I first went to a place that looked identical to the MiIU but which we soon discovered was the Major Injuries Unit and then back to the MiIU. There, the first two doctors discussed the x-ray then said I would need to book a checkup. This shall be at around 14:00 GMT on Tuesday.

Hopefully I remembered everything and that makes sense.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: ZeaLitY on December 05, 2007, 01:36:59 pm
Ah, yes. Congratulations. The only bone I've ever broken is my right pinky finger. I was racing someone on bikes in my neighborhood (and believe me, my Batman bike could murder even professional ones) when the guy I was racing decided to Ben-hur me and sent his front tire into mine. Naturally, he was thrown off his bike, and so was I; I had the misfortune of landing on my pinky. There was no externally visible damage, but it hurt inside, so I ran in and ate as much chocolate as I could. Healing was a trivial process since it was only a minor injury. It still hurt like hell that first day, though.

Yeah, laughing gas is fun. I always take deep breaths on it since I'm concerned that the supply isn't enough for someone of my height and stature. Same reason I take two Advils instead of one for a headache.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: MsBlack on December 05, 2007, 01:44:28 pm
Haha. Now I'm going to try brushing my teeth and showering... this should be... interesting.

EDIT: Well... it was easier than expected. I wonder how writing and sports will be...
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: V_Translanka on December 05, 2007, 05:43:28 pm
If I were you, I'd come up with a far better story...Like, say, "I got in a fight with a shark and I told it what's what...POP! Right in the face. That second row of teeth broke my finger, so I kneed it in the groin and that's how I became the world's foremost (land) shark hunter."

You can have that story free of charge.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Blackcaped_imp on December 05, 2007, 08:02:08 pm
Holy sh**! Welcome to the ill lucked basketball players foundation. I'm trying to get some members, but your are in by default, man! That finger... ouch.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: MsBlack on December 05, 2007, 08:13:01 pm
Ah heck... you're not human if you haven't had a finger at least stubbed by a basketball when using a ball.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: ZeaLitY on December 05, 2007, 08:30:51 pm
Aha, you may have picked up on my "ah heck" usage. Comes from my record of never cursing in real life; it sounds pretty awkward.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Sora on December 05, 2007, 09:09:31 pm
Yeah, laughing gas is fun.

indeed, laughing gas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pot

on a side note, i tried pot once, and it didn't do shit for me, but laughing gas always makes me feel good ^w^
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 05, 2007, 11:27:47 pm
Wow. Makes me happy to be hyper-extended (double jointed).
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: dan_death on December 06, 2007, 02:04:47 am
Sounds like Jimmy Page...delayed a concert because of it, but he needs that finger.

I broke my ring and middle finger when I was ten, tossing a medicine ball around in Tae Kwon Do. And man those guys tossed hard, my "Master" was the one who threw it at me hard and broke my fingers. It's hard playing with it when everybody's 6 years older then you...but if you didn't catch it you had to do 10 push-ups.

Man were my arms soar as hell at the end of the day.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: rushingwind on December 06, 2007, 02:55:50 am
Ow...  *cringe*

I broke a few bones in my right hand and wrist once, and that hurt A LOT.  I was in marching band colorguard, tossing a rifle, and...  Well, let's just say I threw it too high and didn't catch it correctly...  Oye, the pain...  *shiver*
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: MsBlack on December 06, 2007, 03:13:46 am
Aha, you may have picked up on my "ah heck" usage.

Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else that would satisfactorily convey it, so although it made me sound like a 'copycat', I just said to myself, "Ah heck, I'll use "Ah heck,""


Although I probably wasn't supposed to, I've unbound my two fingers as they were feeling much better. I can nearly bend pinky to a right angle towards my palm, but any further and I'm afraid it'll pop back out. I can just about write (I was going to say legibly but my handwriting sucks anyway) without too much pain. I might go to basketball next Wednesday too.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: teaflower on December 06, 2007, 04:05:07 pm
I can relate. Last year I stubbed my middle finger and the hospital people thought it was broken. It wasn't, actually, it was just a crap X-ray thing.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: justin3009 on December 06, 2007, 06:20:35 pm
Worst i've had was when I was younger, I was walking on a rail about like...3 ft up.  Brother pushed me off and I fell and smacked my wrist on a rock.  I couldn't move my wrist for 2 hours.  It was creepy.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: grey_the_angel on December 07, 2007, 04:41:17 pm
I can do better: I broke my jaw my punching myself.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Blackcaped_imp on December 08, 2007, 10:54:19 pm
I can do better: I broke my jaw my punching myself.

That's completely... amazing, isn't it? You have become my hero. (OMG Sarcasm)
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: grey_the_angel on December 10, 2007, 04:56:09 pm
I can do better: I broke my jaw my punching myself.

That's completely... amazing, isn't it? You have become my hero. (OMG Sarcasm)

Wait, you don't know how: I sleept on it the entire night, so I couldn't feel it, and I tried to move it and ended up clean clocking myself to the hospital first thing in the morning.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Blackcaped_imp on December 11, 2007, 10:21:46 pm
That makes it even better. Gotta try sometime, my jaw cracks a lot anyway.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: grey_the_angel on December 12, 2007, 05:50:47 pm
That makes it even better. Gotta try sometime, my jaw cracks a lot anyway.
I also yawn so hard I dislocated it once.
Title: Re: I dislocated my pinky!
Post by: Kebrel on December 12, 2007, 09:07:24 pm
You know those little rubber-bands for braces. I yawned once which caused both snap, and shoot off hitting my English teach in the head.