Chrono Compendium

Bend of Time - Inactive Projects => Darkness Beyond Time - Dead Project Discussion => Project ZEAL => Topic started by: Symmetry on October 20, 2004, 12:22:34 am

Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 20, 2004, 12:22:34 am
I created a separate thread for this to make things easy. Since we're going to be branching out into several groups for subplots, we're going to have to choose how to divide ourselves up. This thread is for discussing where you plan on taking your character(s). You don't have to reveal all your secrets you plan on disclosing at some point, just a simple overview or some ideas will do.

If you think X & Y characters would get along or have some reason to be stuck together, then talk about it here.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on October 20, 2004, 01:47:07 am
1. Roget Parrion

Roget will become more sensitive to the matters of Project ZEAL as it goes on; he will not undergo major changes until the last couple subplots. He will eventually fall in love with Nasreen Ferdows. When she refuses her orders, he is asked to try and escape with her, but refuses. He comes to regret this, and it racks him daily until he unites with her towards the end.

2. Juan Z. Gerard

Juan will be in and out of the End of Time, having personal training with Spekkio. He will begin to cultivate his magic potential alongside his martial arts artlessness. He'll occasionally stroll back to Keystone to deal with matters of his homelife and make decisions. He'll eventually take a liking to Rashelle Tujaas, who charges him with the courage he needs to forge his own path in life. When she is abducted, Juan sort of subscribes to the dark side for awhile, eventually recovering her alone as she is taken to a place in Keystone to jog her memory. The two will eventually return to 1023 A.D., as Rashelle died in the original timeline anyway.

3. Nasreen Ferdows

Nasreen will be pushed with each subplot farther into Project ZEAL due to her immense shadow magic capability due to a genetic freak mutation. She will eventually, as in the last couple subplots, be assigned to assassinate outright one of the heroes via major temporal distortions, but the thought of Roget will prevent her from doing such a thing. At this point, the element that stopped her, Roget, will refuse to leave the Project in an attempt to escape. However, he activates the Project ZEAL Gate for her, allowing her to escape; she flies a subplot with Gaspar's heroes, but is recaptured. She is liberated before the final fight.

4. Rashelle Tujaas

Rashelle will be one of Gaspar's confidants, as her tactical expertise will be critical in avoiding Nanashi confrontations and planning missions. She will be paired with Juan to balance out skill; while the two disagree on most things at first, they learn much from each other. Rashelle becomes more introspective due to Juan's influence, and begins to admire him. Rashelle is constantly bothered by the fact that she should have died, and that her evolution as a human being on Gaspar's assignments is making her not wish to return to the 1400s and continue her past life. At one point, Rashelle will be kidnapped by the Nanashi and undergo a rigorous interrogation. Juan will proceed to unlock his darker side, and when the Nanashi take Rashelle to her former home to jog her memory and abuse her family, Juan will personally seek them out on the authority of Gaspar and fight for her. She will eventually leave with him for 1023 A.D., realizing that she must match the courage she's given him to find his own path in life.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 20, 2004, 07:36:12 am
1. Glenn "Kaeru"

After being left behind by Gil & Flea, Glenn will be, in essence, looking over Gaspar's shoulder as more information on the ZEALians comes in. He sees this as his purpose, seeing as ZEAL interfered, manipulated, and eventually destroyed his home timeline. Being one of the first of Gaspar's Heroes, he will perhaps obtain some advanced Magical knowledge from Spekkio. He will eventually travel back to the Middle Ages to further research on Gaspar's findings of ZEALian interference there because he most knows about the time and places (even though there are differences between his Middle Ages and the old & new Toma Keystone Middle Ages).

2. Gil "Magus" Zeal

After being imprisoned by the ZEALians, Gil will be party to the Prison Break. Afterwards, he will continue with the others in the new Toma Keystone until they reach the End of Time. Upon reuniting with Marcy & Elle and saying farewell to Kaeru, Gil, Marcy & Elle will do one of two things which will bring them out of the ZEAL Project forever...1. Stay in the background of the End of Time doing nothing until it's safe to travel to Keystone again or 2. Enter a door in the vast expanse of the End of Time that Gaspar has never been able to open and back into Magness.

3. Flea

After being imprisoned by the ZEALians, Flea will be party to the Prison Break, where she will dutifully sacrifice herself for the good of the rest of the party...

4. Marcy & Elle "Lucca" Ashtear

They'll stay in the End of Time for a while, not doing much, and when Gil makes it back, they'll follow him like the lost little puppies they are.

5. Hunter Deschain

After coming into contact with the Frozen Flame (which thusly disappears in what appears to be the flash of a Gate) in El Nido 1025AD, Hunter's upper body strength is vastly increased and Gaspar eventually chooses the demi-human to join his group of heroes not only because of his contact with the FF, but because of a forgotten prize Hunter has been carrying around with him for some time. He will be tormented by the companionship of Amy.

6. Amy Gillian

After coming into contact with the Frozen Flame (which thusly disappears in what appears to be the flash of a Gate) in El Nido 1025AD, Amy's lower body strength is vastly increased and Gaspar eventually chooses her to join his group of heroes. Where-ever Hunter goes, she will tag along.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Claado Shou on October 20, 2004, 11:59:30 am
Without giving up too much of the storyline I have in mind, here's my second character.

Serian Rendath
Serian is from the 2300 A.D. ravaged by Lavos, one of a group of survivors known as the Tyrans.  They were mutated genetically due to the debris from Lavos' shell, becoming vastly more intuitive and slightly physically deformed.  After their supplies in the war against the Lavos spawns have started to run out, Serian is sent to the mainland to try and garner equipment, but he is attacked by a Lavos spawn there.  Miraculously, he is able to defeat the beast, and Gaspar sees this show of power, transporting him to the End of Time to fight against ZEAL.

I'll need ZeaLitY's help on this one, since he controls Gaspar, but I don't think that'll be a problem.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: 1stoftheLast on October 20, 2004, 05:55:56 pm
Jack Nova

In the begining Jack doesn't want to be a part of the Zeal Project and asks that he be sent back to his own time to think things over.  He quickly realizes that he needs to be a part of the project, because he can't stop thinking about what he's seen and because by contrast, village life seems so bland.  Later he begins to to think that he needs to save the rest of his village from thier dull existence.

However, he is shuned when he displays some rudimentary magic to them during an attempt to display to them the kind of life they can be leading.  So he leaves home for good vowing never to return.  At the end of the story after peace is made with the Zealians of the Zeal dimension, Jack is the lone dissenter, and he travels to the Zeal timeline as a sort of a wandering profit in the hopes that he can lead the earthbounds in a rebellion.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on October 20, 2004, 06:23:03 pm
Argus Dorian

Participant in ZEAL's dimensional experiments, until he personally witnesses the destruction of a dimension brought by ZEAL's meddling. Sabotagoes one of ZEAL's next experiments, and is thrown in prison, with his magic severly limited.

After participating in the jail break, he is brought to the End of Time where he gladly joins the efforts to thwart ZEAL's experiments in Keystone, and the dimensional experiment project altogether. He fights to the end, whether it's his or ZEALs.

If he can get his hands on a Dreamstone object of sufficient power (not sure if this is going to happen sometime down the line in the story or not yet) he might be able to permenantly break the seals. The Masamune or the Mammon Machine may be of use in this endeavor.

I think it's a bit early in the story to really plan much more (or in much more detail than that). I also don't know how the relationships between the characters are gonna work out, that'll have to be discussed between the authors.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 20, 2004, 07:42:14 pm
You don't have to be certain of everything you post here - in fact, please use the thread to kick around ideas you've got because they might line up nicely with someone else's plans. (Or clash, for that matter.)

Quote from: 1stofthelast
However, he is shuned when he displays some rudimentary magic to them during an attempt to display to them the kind of life they can be leading. So he leaves home for good vowing never to return. At the end of the story after peace is made with the Zealians of the Zeal dimension, Jack is the lone dissenter, and he travels to the Zeal timeline as a sort of a wandering profit in the hopes that he can lead the earthbounds in a rebellion.

I really like this idea - the Keystonians are going to join up with some Zealians eventually, but that doesn't mean all the results are going to be pretty.

Naomi Maruyama - At some point in the near future, Naomi will be kidnapped by agents of the Council to force her mother into doing their bidding. The capitivty will be short lived, however, for Gaspar's Chosen will stumble upon her in their travels. Naomi will insist upon following her rescuers, but whether they will trust her remains unclear.

Sessimine Maruyama - Sessimine's connections to the royal family will arouse the suspicion of the the Council, leading to the abduction of her daughter. In compliance with the the Council's demands, she will most likely travel to Keystone in search of a rogue temporal scholar who recently eluded their grasp. However, Sessimine's main focus throughout the story will be the Crown v Council subplot.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 20, 2004, 08:56:43 pm
Well, I'm leaving my characters' futures pretty open-ended, in anticipation of forming ties with other characters.


Sigma - She'll be very lost and confused for a while, and eager (almost desperate) to form bonds with others. She'll likely develop a degree of hero worship towards Argus (and maybe Gil) thanks to his impending rescue of her.

Backer - He's had trouble with relationships in the past--a lot of trouble. He's apprehensive about approaching others, and is often found to be intimidating, so others rarely approach him. Maybe he'll have some luck once he gains the trust of others. Maybe not.


Sigma - Absolutely nothing planned.

Backer - I've got a big post for him coming up soon (and I do mean big). It should show a bit more how he acts and thinks. For most of this story, he'll be on a quest for purpose. He's a very tortured soul, and may go to surprizing lengths in his quest for a quest. At the end of this story, if he hasn't found purpose, I plan to have him "throw himself to the winds" in desperation (jump into a phenomena which will send him to a random dimension, leaving his fate to chance).
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 21, 2004, 06:21:00 am
Quote from: Claado Shou
Serian is from the 2300 A.D. ravaged by Lavos, one of a group of survivors known as the Tyrans.

So, is that? Lavos exists again? Is this a supposed result of the new Toma Timeline? I never thought the Rainbow Shell was that does that happen? Or is this 2300 in another timeline apart from either Keystone...?

Quote from: 1stoftheLast
At the end of the story after peace is made with the Zealians of the Zeal dimension, Jack is the lone dissenter, and he travels to the Zeal timeline as a sort of a wandering profit in the hopes that he can lead the earthbounds in a rebellion.

Would that be allowed? Seems like that would still be a big mess to the Keystone...or wait, you mean the ZEAL dimension is where Jack travels to, not just Keystone's Zeal Era...? That's probably right...makes more sense...

Quote from: Leebot
She'll (Sigma) likely develop a degree of hero worship towards Argus (and maybe Gil) thanks to his impending rescue of her.

Probably not in regards to Gil...He's still basically Magus, although only a wee-bit softer...From what you've described of Sigma in the beginning, I don't see either of them liking each other much...Gil will go along with her being there, but I see it as more because of Argus and because he needs the both of them to get back to the End of Time. Gil (and Magus for that matter) doesn't normally like anyone who doesn't earn his respect first, normally through some kind of show-of-power and/or courage...Sigma so far doesn't seem like the type that Gil would like...I imagine quite a kooky relationship happening between the trio...

Speaking of Argus, I definately believe he's the sort Gil would respect. It's very likely that Gil will give up his Pendant for Argus' use (if not forever, at least for the Prison Break and up until they reach the EoT again)...although it is not a powered-up version now that I think of it...Would it be enough to significantly give Argus his special Temporal persuasion? I'm guessing it will still be limited, even with Gil's Pendant...Perhaps they will realize that the Pendant isn't glowing much at all...perhaps just faintly, and will wonder whether or not it will accomplish anything, much less a Jail Break & a Dimensional portal...


Can you say suspense?

I can't...seew...spents...I'm a tard!
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 26, 2004, 03:51:15 pm

I'm working on what to do to continue Backer's story, and reading a couple of your posts gave me an idea.
Quote from: V_Translanka
Interesting, I had planned for my other two people (Hunter & Amy) to be around those same places (most likely El Nido) in 1025AD, although I could change the year easily enough to cram in the whole lot of them...I really like the character of Backer...

Quote from: V_Translanka
I've decided that Hunter & Amy are going to have a brief contact with the FF...It's going to change them somewhat...Giving them both a kind of red barnacle-crusty growths on their arms & legs (respectively, not both) which will give them increased strength in those extremities (along with a general inlargement of said body-parts), but may (or may not) cause some impairments later...because they (the growths, not their body-parts) will continue to grow...

In Backer's search for purpose, he may come across rumors of an artifact that provides great power and insight: the Frozen Flame (see the quotes of the CC characters to see how it gives insight). For purpose of gaining insight, he goes off searching for the Frozen Flame (which will probably be found in the ruins of Terra Tower). Wherever it is that he finds it, he runs into Hunter and Amy. His experience with the Frozen Flame gives him (among other info) the information that a quest awaits him at the End of Time. He then uses the FF to open a portal there.

The evil(ish) nature of the FF will make this a lot more complicated in actuality, but I plan to have the unique nature of Backer's mind provide him with the needed edge. How does this sound?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 26, 2004, 04:08:42 pm
Dun - [To avoid cluttering up the story thread any further.]

Getting to the EoT can really be as simple as having Gaspar summon Jai personally. In fact, that's more or less how I envisioned everyone getting there. Creating special circumstances for everyone to wind up there would just complicate the scenario and open up potentially problematic issues - a simple gate is all you need.

If you can come up with a more complex route for winding up at the End of Time, feel free to do so - but don't feel as if you have to conjure up something fancy to get there.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Dunsparce on October 26, 2004, 04:31:25 pm
Okay. that works.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 26, 2004, 06:10:19 pm
Uh...well now...Where would the FF be? I had it in El Nido still...Because of the changes not only by ZEAL, but also because of the Ideal Timeline...I figured it'd just be wherever...I had intended Hunter & Amy, more or less, to stumble upon it either in some cavern or some such...

I figured the whole bunch though, Gil & Argus, Hunter & Amy and Backer would all eventually meet...I just couldn't think up the right circumstances...Plus, how would knowledge that the FF gives insight be gained, when it barely seems that it's given in Chono Cross...?

I was thinking...Wasn't it one of the Tears that changed Serge? What was up with that....Damnation if my knowledge of the Cross-world is limited!
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 26, 2004, 06:53:56 pm
Quote from: V_Translanka
I figured the whole bunch though, Gil & Argus, Hunter & Amy and Backer would all eventually meet...I just couldn't think up the right circumstances...Plus, how would knowledge that the FF gives insight be gained, when it barely seems that it's given in Chono Cross...?

I was wondering the same thing. I don't know how the Frozen Flame could tell Backer there was a quest waiting for him at the End of Time - but it occurs to me that perhaps the Frozen Flame might open up a gate to the EoT as a way of trying to fulfill Backer's desire to find purpose. Then the three of them could meet Gaspar, who fills them in on what's going down.

Or did I just recycle your idea and spit it back out in different terms?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 26, 2004, 10:20:28 pm
Well, its not solely the Frozen Flame that does this for Backer, it just enables intervention of... well, that would be telling. Let's just say it isn't just a huge fortunate coincidence that the brain damage Backer suffered turned out as it did (as in, providing a functional, but inhuman mind as opposed to insanity or simply death), and the same factor's coming into play here. If I do the post like this, you'll be able to glean a bit more.

I guess the Frozen Flame probably wouldn't be found in Terra Tower as it wouldn't come to be in the ideal dimension. It would probably be in the Sea of Eden, in Chronopolis. Which raises the question of what happened to Chronopolis in the ideal dimension. Maybe we could just say that the dimensional reset button also caused its time bubble to go back to the future, and only an empty sea remains there.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 27, 2004, 12:06:51 am
I was under the impression that Chronopolis wouln't be present in the ideal timeline - which means the Flame is probably just chilling out in a cave somewhere in the Sea of Eden.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on October 27, 2004, 01:42:27 pm
Yes, GrayLensman's theory on the Time Crash accomodates the fact that there is no reason for Chronopolis to exist in the Sea of Eden once everything is taken care of; the same goes for the Gate effect, though Time Bastard states that anyone who ever left it would do so once more, meaning El Nido is still formed.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 27, 2004, 03:01:37 pm
Alright, then I guess we can proceed on the assumption that the Frozen Flame will be found in a cave on an island in the Sea of Eden. How about this outline of events:

-Backer, on a search for the Frozen Flame (I'll get into his specific reasons and methods in my next post), reaches an island in the Sea of Eden
-Hunter & Amy (V_Translanka can come up with their motives) are also on this island at this time.
-The three meet up, and Hunter & Amy decide to follow Backer (who's able to detect the Frozen Flame through his pulsing) into the cave (reasons to be left to V_Translanka)
-They reach the Frozen Flame.
-Hunter & Amy approach it, and are affected by it.
-Backer, meanwhile, seems to have gone into a trance. After a few minutes, he (possibly still in a trance--it's hard to tell with him) charges his sword with an odd type of energy and uses it to tear a rift in the fabric of time which sends all three of them to the End of Time. (Note: That energy will be of the Chrono Cross's element. He'll later find it's useful for pure destructive power, but won't be able to reproduce this "tear a hole in reality" trick. Again, exactly what's going on here will be shown a lot better in the actual post.)

If that sounds good, then V_Translanka and I can start working on this chapter. I'd recommend you start with a Hunter and/or Amy post leading up to them reaching this island and meeting Backer.

On another note, it would be more logical for the jailbreakers to end up in Keystone around 600 AD., as this was the time Sigma was pulled from. They don't have to do much there before Gaspar opens a gate for them to go to the End of Time.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 27, 2004, 03:33:57 pm
Sounds good to me - although I'd recommend posting all of the jailbreak scenes (or at least get to 600AD) before you guys start with the Backer & Hunter/Amy ones, just for the sake of having a little resolution before jumping onto another topic.

Maybe you could have a fight scene in there? I just want to see Backer own something again. Perhaps Hunter & Amy are dealing with something when he stumbles upon them and lends a hand?  :D
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 27, 2004, 06:18:03 pm
Sounds good to me.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Claado Shou on October 28, 2004, 12:48:38 am
Quote from: V_Translanka
Quote from: Claado Shou
Serian is from the 2300 A.D. ravaged by Lavos, one of a group of survivors known as the Tyrans.

So, is that? Lavos exists again? Is this a supposed result of the new Toma Timeline? I never thought the Rainbow Shell was that does that happen? Or is this 2300 in another timeline apart from either Keystone...?

Not the Keystone Dimension(s).  The Lavos Timeline.  Gaspar can see into more than one dimension, right?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on October 28, 2004, 01:26:01 am
Well, the Lavos timeline should be in the DBT by now, long consumed by the darkness.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Claado Shou on October 28, 2004, 09:41:38 am
Hmm...alright, is there any dimension still in existence that has a 2300 A.D. ravaged by Lavos and filled with his spawn?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 28, 2004, 12:12:17 pm
Not that would be easily accessible. There are most likely such dimensions in other parent timelines, but only ZEAL would be capable of accessing them.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 28, 2004, 02:00:05 pm
Oi. Sorry we didn't pick up on this earlier.

I'm fairly certain that there has to be a timeline out there where Crono fails to stop Lavos, but it would be quite difficult to get someone from that timeline to Keystone. ZEAL could do it, but working it in now might be problematic as the jailbreak sequence has probably been written for the most part.

If its a post-apocalyptic character you're interested in, you might could suggest Serian is from the far future in which something else has pretty much decimated humanity, because its bound to happen eventually. (Considering that Dun's character comes from a future where humanity has long passed away)
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on October 28, 2004, 02:05:58 pm
Well, if we do explore that option, at least assert that humanity is busy conquering the stars, and has abandoned its home after using all its resources. We can't kill hope like that.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 28, 2004, 02:14:00 pm
Stepping back for a minute.

Could the Entity have shielded Serian from history being rewritten in any sort of way?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Claado Shou on October 28, 2004, 02:38:45 pm
Quote from: Symmetry
Stepping back for a minute.

Could the Entity have shielded Serian from history being rewritten in any sort of way?

Holy shit.  That's perfect (if you don't understand why, you will when I make my next post).  You just gave me a great idea, so...question answered.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on October 28, 2004, 03:41:18 pm
Depends of the Entity has THIS kind of foresight.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 28, 2004, 04:13:47 pm
It's possible, given that the Entity could just allow him to time-jump to the far past and shield him via Time-Bastard. This seems pretty implausible, however, as there's no reason for the Entity to do this at a Time-Error when the destroyed future exists, and once ZEAL has made its move, its too late. Plus, there would have to be some really good reason for the Entity to preserve him.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Dunsparce on October 28, 2004, 05:17:02 pm
Jai will have more of a personallity as the story goes on. In his era, such things are controled making things such as personallity and emotions new to him. He will at first be amazed at the thought of interacting with humans (in his era, they simply left around a couple millenia ago and never came back) He will easily wait in the EOT until needed, using his shape-shifting abilities, simple shadow magic, and his knowlegde of technology.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 29, 2004, 06:54:42 pm
That set-up for Hunter, Amy & Backer seems alright...but...would/could this island in the Sea of Eden be populated already? If not, I suppose I could scrap my current writings as mere introductorary (?) and when we get to the island, they will be there for some reason...or perhaps now, Hunter & Amy will find something in El Nido that will give rise to 'something fantabulous' on this island in the Sea of Eden...

Either way works for me...just wanna know how you sees it before I post something that'll kick everyone in the mud (if that makes sense...).
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on October 29, 2004, 09:50:31 pm
Fine by me if its populated. I don't see how it would interfere with anything, so go right ahead.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 29, 2004, 11:09:12 pm
I have no problems with it being populated, as long as the Frozen Flame is still somewhere out of the way.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 30, 2004, 07:33:27 am
*har har*

Jokes on me! I figured there would be some mixed feelings about it being populated! I was really starting to like it having been something they were pointed to from El Nido...although I wasn't sure what...but screw that now, I guess!

Here's the basics for what I've got going down so far...Hunter & Amy are off on the 'Quest for the Missing Truffles' and it turns out to be, not a theif as they were paid to find, but some animal (likely a boar) and so far they're in a murky forest/jungle-ish place...eventually they'll fight said creature (perhaps it will be a big mutated thing) and after a bit, it'll scamper off into either a hidden cave, or some kind of pitfall where they'll finish it off and low-and-behold there's the FF tucked away in a deep pocket...Throw in Backer somewhere along the way, and I think we've got it about done...I'm thinking he could come in around the first fight with the creature...I could leave off Hunter & Amy right before they meet it if you (Leebot...this time I got my names right, right?) want to write the action & the discovery too...I have no particular wish to do either...and I really couldn't hope to write for Backer, whereas Hunter & Amy are pretty basic...although I suppose we'd have to work something out for when the FF works it's charms on the party (or perhaps there will be no immediate changes...hmmm....).
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 30, 2004, 10:45:15 am
Hmm... I'm trying to think of how we could skirt the line where Hunter & Amy are able to scare off the monster, but Backer is needed to defeat it. How about if, once it reaches the cave, it calls for help from the mommy-monster? At that point, Backer shows up and assists them in defeating it. Afterwards, they see the Frozen Flame nearby, which they surmise caused the mutations in the monsters, and so on...
Title: Character Paths
Post by: 1stoftheLast on October 31, 2004, 05:39:41 am
How about it feeds off the FF(hence the mutation) and gets more powerfull the closer it is to it?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on October 31, 2004, 08:28:44 am
Uh...that 'mommy' thing is a bit much if you ask me...Not only cliche (which I'm not usually opposed to necessarilly), but also nearly right out of the first five minutes of Chrono Cross...

This boar aint gonna be no average piggy, guys...I'm thinkin' around 3 or 4 feet high, razor sharp tusks...Also, if you really want it powered up, that wouldn't be a problem...The way I was going to handle Hunter & Amy's transformation is going to involve crustational (?) growths (that grow) and something similar could be used on the boar...

Also, like I said, they wouldn't kill it off immediately, it could be injured and then reflexively retreat to the FF, where it could then be defeated...

Perhaps even, Backer could already be somewhat in where the FF is beforehand and instead of them teaming up to defeat it, the boar goes to the safety of the FF's shine and instead meets (runs into, whatever...) Backer and even before Hunter & Amy make it back, Backer has already finished it off...This sounds nice to me...A better introduction than "I'll help you fight that thing you're having trouble with", which, now that I think about it, is going to be used in the Jailbreak when Sigil is helped out against some nasty guards...I don't want us re-using ideas if we can help it...
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on October 31, 2004, 09:47:29 am
That would probably work. I could set up Backer to already be in there (searching for the FF), the boar runs in, Backer takes it out. Hunter & Amy come in. "That monster? A minor inconvenience at worst."

I'll start working on Backer's next post now.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Dunsparce on November 02, 2004, 03:54:28 pm
(this post has nothing to do with the previous posts) Due to my lack of understanding, I have no idea when Jai will be in the story, cause no one has told me strait out what is going to happen. I am terribly confused right now. I have no idea what will happen to him at all when he enters the story In the EoT.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on November 02, 2004, 10:01:55 pm
Depending on when Jai enters the End of Time, he is likely to meet either Gaspar (& Spekkio), Gaspar+Gil+Kaeru+Flea+Elle+Marcy (& Spekkio), Gaspar+Kaeru+Elle+Marcy (& Spekkio), or Gaspar+Any number of the other heroes Gaspar has summoned (& Spekkio of course).

It's all relative!
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Dunsparce on November 03, 2004, 08:06:42 pm
When will it be most conveinient(sp?) for him to enter the story?
Title: Character Paths
Post by: chronotriggerfreak on November 03, 2004, 10:16:54 pm
Here's my dilemma: How can Garg get to the End of Time? It's very unlikely that he'll go through the Mystic Mountain gate. I forget if there was another gate in 600 A.D., but even then, he alone won't breach the CoT and therefore wouldn't wind up at the EoT. Does Gaspar have some other method for collecting individuals he knows he'll need who originate from Keystone? I think someone else mentioned vaporous gates?...
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on November 03, 2004, 10:50:38 pm

Gaspar can abduct anyone he likes. If you want to use that method, feel free to do so. Also, it could be arranged for the party to simply encounter him on their journey to resolve the complications imposed by ZEAL - ultimately, he could hang around and continue with the party on their later adventures, reaching the EoT that way.

Dun -

Whenever you see people start arriving at the End of Time, feel free to have Jai show up as well. I think that would work out best.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: ZeaLitY on November 03, 2004, 11:17:54 pm
Dunsparce, would you like to work Jai in the scene before the big speech? In it, Spekkio and Juan will converse somewhat. Jai can hang out in the corner, give his thoughts on the surroundings, etc. let me know, and you can go ahead and write some stuff I'll add in.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Dunsparce on November 04, 2004, 03:35:01 pm
Okay. that would be nice. This will all be new to him (being around real live humans and all) he would absorb all the information like a sponge (not literally). I can't wait^^
Title: Character Paths
Post by: chronotriggerfreak on November 04, 2004, 05:35:03 pm
Seeing as how I don't plan for Garg to stick around for the rest of the adventure--right now in my writing experiences I'm trying to focus on being concise, both in plot and in characters, so it's best for me to work each sub-plot as a burst of one unique plot, possibly even like a short story despite how lengthy each may be--he's either going to the End of Time beforehand or he'll never be there. I'll watch how everyone else is working out before I make a decision. For now, though, if everyone seems fine with my political mold, I think I've got some more personal posts to make regarding Garg's dealing with the power people in Choras and Porre.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Symmetry on November 04, 2004, 06:54:52 pm

If he's not going to join the party, then I think its best he never go to the End of Time. I don't think Gaspar would keep selecting people to aid the party and then let them be on their way every other subplot.

Which actually provides us with an interesting scenario from time to time. The party could try to hide the fact they're time travellers from Garg, not wanting him to find out - this could apply to other circumstances as well.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: chronotriggerfreak on November 04, 2004, 07:33:27 pm
Yes, once you mentioned returning to the End of Time later and I realized that such a thing was not possible unless I changed all my plans for Garg, I came to that same conclusion. Garg would probably be a more useful tool if he had no idea what the bigger picture was, because he cares more about his own personal glory than whatever may be in the future's best interests. So, unless I decide to continue using him in some future subplots (which I may, if some other subplot has opportunities that I feel fit his character), that will probably be the case. Which means someone needs to be sent at least to start Garg on whatever path he is most useful for, if not work with him the whole time.
Title: Character Paths
Post by: V_Translanka on November 04, 2004, 07:41:55 pm
Spekkio & Juan? Are we talking EoT there? Spekkio isn't somewhere else, is he?

On a sidenote, I think it might be interesting that when or if a scene involving Gaspar, Spekkio & Kaeru, Elle & Marcy (since they're all seemingly hanging out in the EoT before most of the others) that Spekkio should feel as though he's seen Elle & Marcy before, perhaps in a dream...This is because they both have Magical abilities, though they only have had glimpses of Spekkio & the Magic words (Ipso Facto & such) in dreams and visions...But Kaeru does not necessarilly have Magic yet...
Title: Character Paths
Post by: Leebot on December 07, 2004, 12:23:30 am
Taken from my fanfic, here's Backer's tale of what happened (er... will happen) to him at the end of this one:

Quote from: Backer
I was in a place that can’t be described physically, facing a phenomenon known as a ‘Dimensional Maelstrom.’ These were characterized by connecting to multiple dimensions, and it was theorized that someone who fell into one would be cast off into a random dimension. No one could confirm this as dimensional travel is otherwise next to impossible, however. Oh, and don’t bother asking me how I know this—I can’t trace the origin of any of my knowledge, and I’m not even sure if this is accurate.

At the time, I was despondent. As long as I’d lived—I can’t say how long—I’d never been accepted by others. I never had any real friends, just people who found it beneficial to have me around. I did some great deed—again, I don’t know what—and I couldn’t even feel a sense of satisfaction. Facing this dimensional maelstrom, I decided to take a chance with it. I threw myself into it. I’d either get a fresh start somewhere else, or I’d die. I was prepared to accept either outcome.