Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kanadyets on July 19, 2007, 02:45:12 pm

Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kanadyets on July 19, 2007, 02:45:12 pm
Kanadyets: Oh, I know. I've been familiarizing myself with Canadian politics lately in preparation for an eventual move to Canada. I'm just still working with the American mindset at the moment.

I know, it was more of a general commentary on the uselessness of the whole left-right matter, and I think it goes well beyond the Canadian context.  Plus it was a bit of venting on my part.  Those in my party tend to consider me a left-wing yahoo on account of my social politics, while the my friends on the left think my interests in keeping government out of people's pocketbook firmly identifies me as some sort of ultra-right corporate criminal.  The point is that it's the issues more than the identity that matter.

Oh, and as a hint on moving to the Great, White to get the process started as early as possible if you are serious about doing it.  It's a common misconception that it's easy to emmigrate here.  My sister-in-law was given the run around, and she should have been fast tracked on account of her being married to my sister.  To be honest, they got the impresson she was given a hard time specifically because she's American.  You'll find a lot of latent anti-Amercianism up here.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 20, 2007, 06:03:09 am
If and when this country moves back toward the left, it'll be through people in the Democratic party, because they're the only ones besides the Republicans with access to power.
Uh, correction, the Patriots actually have a lot of power over the USA - and incidentally, the world! If I were you, I would invest my loyalty in the scarily far right, so when the time comes when the Patriots finally come out of the closet (so to speak), you'll be rewarded with security and protection from those damn guerilla resistance fighters.

Er, right.

True random number generator goes online!
Bah, who needs a random number generator, when you can have a long list of numbers ( that we need in real life!
Darn it, the website used to have a link to another website which was the complete opposite of a random number generator: it just showed the number 1. Gone though.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: ZeaLitY on July 20, 2007, 03:01:57 pm
Why isn't any mainstream media picking up that fifth amendment violation?
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kyronea on July 20, 2007, 03:34:03 pm
Why isn't any mainstream media picking up that fifth amendment violation?

They prefer to be larger versions of Entertainment Tonight! Damn stupid corporate media...we really need more public news organizations in this country.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 21, 2007, 01:13:55 am
Why isn't any mainstream media picking up that fifth amendment violation?
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Why isn't any mainstream media picking up that fifth amendment violation?

They prefer to be larger versions of Entertainment Tonight! Damn stupid corporate media...we really need more public news organizations in this country.
PBS? :lol:
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kyronea on July 21, 2007, 01:19:20 am
Yes, PBS...the station that everyone is--bizzarly--convinced is some sort of liberal propaganda station, which is ridiculous because

A. Liberal doesn't mean a damned sensible thing in America anymore

B. It's as unbiased as any station can be.

But because of that lack of bias, people assume it's some crazy left-wing crap...don't know why.

Also, what confuses you about the quoted statement?
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 21, 2007, 08:05:42 am
No, I just heard that PBS was a crappy station.
Oh, and don't worry about the Fifth Amendment thing. I didn't know what he was referencing to.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kyronea on July 21, 2007, 12:30:26 pm
It's only crappy because it doesn't get anywhere near enough funding. It has some interesting programs, but they're targeted at a rather specific audience.

What it needs is more news reporting, really, and more funding from the government to report the news, as unbiased as possible. Obviously whoever reports the news on there is going to have their own bit of bias showing through, but that's can't be helped because that's part of human nature.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 22, 2007, 03:30:34 am
Same is happening here. SBS shows fucking ads now. THEY HAVE ADBREAKS DURING PROGRAMS! Thankfully ABC isn't going the same route...yet.

From what I hear, the equivalent to PBS here is TVS, a crappy broadcasting channel that gets funding from selling crushed aluminium cans...probably.
Title: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Lord J Esq on July 22, 2007, 04:56:56 am
Lol, you misspelled aluminum Zeppy.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on July 22, 2007, 05:29:57 am
PBS can be hit or miss, and it depends on where you are. In the Pacific Northwest at least, they used to run Richard Proenneke's documentary. Great stuff.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kyronea on July 22, 2007, 12:51:33 pm
I've watched PBS occasionally. I like some of the programs they tend to show, like the music and fine arts stuff. It's really quite intriguing because you so rarely hear about the specific subjects in any other media these days.

J: No he didn't. You just did.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Lu Su on July 22, 2007, 07:36:47 pm
theres a simple anwser move to europe, ociania, africa or asia
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Lord J Esq on July 22, 2007, 09:43:43 pm
J: No he didn't. You just did.

Would you care to defend your baseless hearsay?
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Kyronea on July 22, 2007, 10:24:59 pm

Would you care to defend your baseless hearsay?

Depending on the dialect of English utlized, aluminium can be spelled in many different ways. Aluminium is the original spelling, whereas Aluminum is the common spelling in the United States and possibly Canada, though I would bank on Aluminium.

Because British English is more fun, I am arbitrarily deciding that its spelling of aluminium is the correct one, even though neither and both are correct depending on circumstances.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Lord J Esq on July 22, 2007, 10:42:57 pm
Blast you and your arbitrary declarations!

You'd have done better to argue that "aluminium" is how they spell it in Australia, and so Zeppy wasn't incorrect when he wrote it. Then I'd have countered that the Compendium is an American site, and we expect people to try and communicate in American English here. Then you'd have counter-countered that that's nationalistic and patronizing. Then I'd have contracounter-countered that, regardless, "aluminum" was the original spelling, and that the "i" only got added in when it became conventional to suffix metals with "ium," to which you'd have contra-contracounter-countered "Er...," to which I'd have contracounter-countercontra-contracontra-countercountercontracountered "Yep. Josh: 62 million; Kyronea: 0." And, furthermore, the "aluminium" variation, in addition to being the less original word, is chiefly British--so why the hell are you talking about Australia?

And, of course, that would be a feint on my part, because I have no friggin' clue how they spell it in Australia, but by then you'd be so utterly overwhelmed that your brains would explode into a million pieces, turning the walls of your room into a big, open-faced gray matter sandwich.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on July 23, 2007, 03:04:47 am
In Australia, they use British spelling, but upside-down.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 23, 2007, 09:19:06 am
Maybe the US of A-ians would rather their language not be Britannicized. I have written a 30 page argument discussing my theory on how in 20 years time, Americans will spell America, Amnericka ("those damn explorers, impose their Latin names on us will they!"), and Chrono Compendium with two C's, two H's, two R's, two O's, two N's, two more O's, and the second word being Comp. (though that might just be due to Zeality's extreme measures into breaking off from the confusing and stupid language we call English and into a far more sophisticated language called Zealian). And it'll be hip to say, US of Aye!? Though that is completely irrelevant to what I'm trying to say...wait- what was I trying to say? That's right, something about robots.


So anyway, back on topic- wait, PBS?! Lord J (I assume) did one of his uberhaxorsplits for something hardly anyone was talking about :? Amirite? Oh well, this will undoubtedly be split by Z into a thread criticizing British grammar and spelling.

I think one of the reasons I hate (well, dislike) PBS is due to the logo.


To me, it just screams low budget, crappy programming, a large array of annoying infomercials and some stupid telethon trying to raise money for PBS (wait, I picked up that idea off the Simpsons).

It also implies something about two white guys sandwiching a black guy in between them. Then the phrase "two wongs don't make a white" comes to mind. Then a mob of angry Asians burning down PBS comes to mind. So basically, change the logo!

The second thing is the slogans they use. Stolen from a site whose (who's?) name can not (cannot?) be mentioned (though it starts with W and ends with ikipedia), these are the slogans they used/are using:

Nuff said.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Lord J Esq on July 23, 2007, 09:28:42 am
I think one of the reasons I hate (well, dislike) PBS is due to the logo.


To me, it just screams low budget, crappy programming, a large array of annoying infomercials and some stupid telethon trying to raise money for PBS (wait, I picked up that idea off the Simpsons).

It also implies something about two white guys sandwiching a black guy in between them. Then the phrase "two wongs don't make a white" comes to mind. Then a mob of angry Asians burning down PBS comes to mind. So basically, change the logo!

Hmm, "Peanut Butter & Black Sandwich." Sounds interesting and vaguely yummy.

I happen to like the PBS logo. I also take issue with your idea that PBS has crappy programming. When last I watched television on a regular basis, PBS was one of the most consistently enjoyable channels. From Bill Moyers, to Masterpiece Theater, to Nova, they have had and shall continue to have quality shows.

The constant pleading for money is better than commercials, because it seldom interrupts the programming, and because it's for a good cause: It's very important for we Americans to support a public station, because the telecommunications corporations are gobbling up all consumer media.

Really, Zeppy, your contempt for PBS is just a thinly layered sandwich of prejudice, ignorance, and peanut butter. And I'm talking about lowly crunchy peanut butter, not the good creamy stuff.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on July 23, 2007, 09:40:23 am
I'm not arguing that it doesn't show good programming, just that the logo looks like a crappy IT business's (argh, screw it) logo.

And I'm with you when it comes to supporting our public broadcasting channels. I'm sick of commercial television. I'm sick of commercial news. It seems that everywhere I go, all I see is lying in the news, low quality television created to promote their stars or crush the opposition (for Australians- It Takes Two? Dancing With The Stars? SKATING ON THIN ICE? Fuck you, Channel 7). We need more ABC- not so much conservative, don't mess with anyone and you won't get hurt take on the definition of "no bias" approach to media, but rather a mess with everything and everyone approach, where you can't be biased because you crush everything in your path (I can't say the same for the host of the Great Global Warming Swindle discussion on ABC- geez, he was biased).

And to clear things up, I like crunch peanut butter :( It gives my sandwiches the extra crunch I need in my food, to get me through the day.
Title: Re: It's the Ultrasuper Fantasmagasmic PBS Thread !! ^_^
Post by: V_Translanka on July 24, 2007, 08:30:18 pm
PBS gave us (or the U.S.) access to both Red Dwarf & Flying Circus. Thus, it kicks ass. Other stuff, too, I'm sure, but those two mainly.