Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => Chrono Compendium Discussion => Topic started by: ZeaLitY on March 20, 2007, 01:12:06 am

Title: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 20, 2007, 01:12:06 am
I have a ton of stuff to do for the site and plenty of grand ambitions to fulfill. But my time is being cut into deeply. For this reason, things will not materialize at the rate I've desired. I will probably decide to finish a secret project before other things, even the huge analysis update. But this is just a notation / apology for an absence of my usual fervor. One dream has just unfortunately eclipsed another's time. But the dream in question is near realization, so all will return to normal. And the Retranslation script will take every precedence when it's time to build. That's one thing I will pull an all-nighter for.

So, sorry, and whoa, we still rule! Supero omnia!
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kyronea on March 20, 2007, 01:15:36 am
Zeality, you've nothing to apologize for. This is a fansite, right? It's all on your own time, your own work. You're not being paid, nor are we paying for you to give us information, or anything like that. So no worries. We're not pressuring you to get anything done.

Or at least I'm not, anyway. I don't know about anyone else.

In any case, you've done amazing amounts of work on everything. This site is the single best resource on any small video game series anyone could ask for, really. So, agian, no worries. Take your time.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 20, 2007, 01:19:47 am
Well, thanks. I sadly have a habit of being happily full of promises about things, and usually I deliver. I guess I'm worried about that. I did forget to say one thing before I step down.

Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kyronea on March 20, 2007, 01:25:15 am
I can understand that. I used to--and still do, to some extent--have a huge problem with making a promise to myself to complete some huge task, usually some kind of writing project or what have you, and then I would never complete it. I've left quite a few of those in my wake as I pass through life. In a way I worry somewhat I might do the same with Chrono Trigger+, but hopefully I won't this time.

Still, from what I can tell, you do uphold your promises, and hell, even if you missed one or two, it's not like you owe us anything. This is all in good fun for fans, and anyone who acts as if you owe us something should take a hike.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Vehek on March 20, 2007, 02:27:16 am
Hey, on the topic of the Retranslation, did you ever find out where some of the lines labeled as "unused" in  the Compendium's NA script were used?
Or are those still a mystery for you after all those couple of years since the NA script was organized?
Title: Re: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 20, 2007, 11:27:19 am
The general trend has been that with an extra playthrough by KWhazit and his own notes, we've been finding a few unused stragglers that I forgot to mark in the NA script. So we're netting more overall.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on March 20, 2007, 02:13:15 pm
Besides all that, I was wondering when my posters will be put up on the site.

I'd love for everyone to be able to see them...
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Mystic Frog King on March 20, 2007, 05:32:36 pm
Zeality, you've nothing to apologize for. This is a fansite, right? It's all on your own time, your own work. You're not being paid, nor are we paying for you to give us information, or anything like that. So no worries. We're not pressuring you to get anything done.

Or at least I'm not, anyway. I don't know about anyone else.

In any case, you've done amazing amounts of work on everything. This site is the single best resource on any small video game series anyone could ask for, really. So, agian, no worries. Take your time.

Well said. ZeaLitY does plenty already- I don't think anyone would blame him for not doing as much for personal reasons.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 20, 2007, 08:28:06 pm
Besides all that, I was wondering when my posters will be put up on the site.

I'd love for everyone to be able to see them...

Right now I'm checking which are better quality than the ones I've got up at

I'll replace any inferior pictures with the ones you've given me.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on March 20, 2007, 11:19:42 pm
I noticed that you have most of 'em; but I must admit, you'll love mine's high quality.

Also, I have images of actual game items - like an Enertron, Green Dream, the Hero Medal,
Jerky (yeah, I have something that silly), the Moonstone, Power Tab, Prism Shard, Prism Dress,
Prism Helm, Prism Specs, Rainbow Shell, Silver Stud, Silver Earring, Speed Tab, Sun Shades,
the Sun Stone, Trade Items (from Ayla's time), Dream Stone, and Lucca's Wondershot Gun.

These possibly are from the official strategy guide, since I know that Mr. Toriyama likes to
illustrate game items like this for such things (did it with Dragon Quest 1&2 for GB Color).

Additional: I have an even better image of Johnny in his racing mode - you'd like it.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on March 27, 2007, 11:02:11 pm
Hate to have to double post here, but I'd appreciate some feedback on this...
Title: Re: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 27, 2007, 11:58:45 pm
Oh, of course we can use whatever you have, I'm sure. Like the images of weapons and items we have were thrown together from a single scan, so there are some artifacts and other errors. Whatever you make available shall be reviewed.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Beeyo on March 28, 2007, 06:55:25 pm
    Zeality, homie, I think I speak for 98% of the peeple who visit the compendium when I say you are the MAN when it comes to ChronoANYTHING. We all support your tireless efforts to breathe life into the great yet left-and-forgotten Chrono series(is it still a series if there have been only 1 and a half sequels made?). Take all the time u need to do whatever u need to do, its not like you're gettin paid for it or anything.
(Hey, hey, now no gay stuff involved(not there's anything wrong with that)). :D
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Beeyo on March 28, 2007, 07:02:32 pm
    Zeality, homie, I think I speak for 99.999% of the Compendium community when I say you are the MAN when it comes to ChronoANYTHING. We all support you tireless efforts to keep the flame going for the great-yet-left-and-forgotten chrono series(is it even a series if it only has 1 and a half sequels to its name?).Take as long as you need to do whatever you need to do, and don't be afraid to ask us Compendiumers(?)for help.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Beeyo on March 28, 2007, 07:09:00 pm
Oops. Sorry, didn't know my 1st message got posted, thought it got interupted. Either way, u get the message.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Mystic Frog King on March 29, 2007, 05:07:08 pm
You do realize you can delete your own posts, right? =]
Title: Re: ...
Post by: cronopolis on March 29, 2007, 05:25:53 pm
I believe that zeality made a good quote, that those who compliment you are you enemies, or something to that effect :lol: Nah just kiddin.
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on March 31, 2007, 10:58:21 pm
LOL... Ah, what fun how any topic can suddenly shift into something else.

Anways, I lost the PM you gave me that had your email addy, ZeaLitY.

You'd be surprised what interesting pics these are (and their size).
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Azure on March 31, 2007, 11:06:10 pm
Hmmm...any way I could get these?
Title: Re: ...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on April 04, 2007, 05:25:27 am
Depends on which ones, and technically, if they're posted on the site...
you could just get them that way. ZeaLitY - please send me a PM.

(this time I won't be an idiot and erase the darn thing... *sigh*)
Title: Re: ...
Post by: ZeaLitY on April 04, 2007, 12:13:47 pm
Ah dear, I'm becoming a person of excuses. But it will be over in two weeks. it's sent.