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Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: nightmare975 on November 07, 2006, 11:34:02 pm

Title: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: nightmare975 on November 07, 2006, 11:34:02 pm
Just bought the Halo 2 soundtrack, love the music. Bungie really knows how to compose music.

Man, if Nobuo Uematsu and them were to team up, think of the possibilites. :shock:
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: Corey Taylor on November 07, 2006, 11:44:38 pm
Hmmmm......  :D.   Aw man. See what ya did. Now I gotta go walk this off and change my pants.
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: Daniel Krispin on November 08, 2006, 02:53:45 am
Just bought the Halo 2 soundtrack, love the music. Bungie really knows how to compose music.

Man, if Nobuo Uematsu and them were to team up, think of the possibilites. :shock:

Hmmm... I got it, but I didn't find it that great. I mean, Steve Vai did an awesome job on the guitar intro, but most of the other songs... meh. Moody at times, but a bit lacking. My favorite song wasn't even on there, the one that plays when you're changing options, I think it is.
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: K_K_FFXII on November 15, 2006, 02:09:28 pm
Yeah I didn't think the soundtrack was that great either....But I loved the game!! Can't go home and NOT play least for a couple of hours.
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: Corey Taylor on November 15, 2006, 11:48:35 pm
You're always on Halo so why do you think the soundtrack sucks? I liked it and I don't even own the game. Ah the power of "The Internet".
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: K_K_FFXII on November 16, 2006, 01:20:21 pm
The music isn't the worst in the world....but I think it could've been just Sooooooo much better!!!!!
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: Daniel Krispin on November 16, 2006, 05:32:03 pm
Like I said, Steve Vai did an awesome job on the intro. Also, some of the more moody sequences were very good. Actually, the moody soundtrack was a very good touch in the Halo series as a whole - a feel of the ancient merging with the future is always something that appeals to me. And Halo does this rather well, both story-wise and music-wise. It does not have, say, the solid quality of a Chrono or Final Fantasy game sountrack, but now and again it hits some very high points.

Actually, one of my favorite uses of Halo music is in the trailer for Halo 3. Anyone seen that? Bloody genius. With all this powerful and intense music they put in trailers these days - a tendancy that has become tiring for its cliche - they set up the trailer with a subtlety and power I had not expected.
Title: Re: Bungie did a great job on Halo 2's music
Post by: XcyrusX on December 03, 2006, 09:15:36 pm
yeah i like that song for halo 3 too ^^