Chrono Compendium

Marbule Gallery - Completed Fan Creations => Crimson Echoes => Topic started by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 12:40:10 am

Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 12:40:10 am
Work has concluded on the second Crimson Echoes demo. With Jsondag2's coding, contributions from many others, and my dialogue, the basic demo is now ready for hard beta testing. This is where all you people accused of being "along for the ride" get to prove yourselves! Hit the ground running and play the hell out of this game. Report any and every little thing that irks you or appears out of place or wrong. Here are your orders.

Attached is the patch for Demo 2 intended for use with an unheadered ROM. Get to playing and recording anything and everything you please. I am sending out e-mails to alert other members.

Here's stuff that I'm sure you'll find that I want reported.  Please report EVERY single small detail that you think should not be in the demo.  I'm sure I forgot to get rid of those damn black squares in beast forest, but still report it. 

Here's other things that I would like people to watch for:

OW names not being right, or there at all
Party members "moving" but not "walking"
After not being able to move the party moves to one spot but one or two people are a little off
Treasure chests not making noise
Treasure chests closing again after going to menu
Being able to walk around during important conversations
Treasure chests giving "debug items" (super weapons or items)
Shops that are selling stuff that are too advanced

I want to reiterate the enemies being to hard/easy that's kinda important cause I was just putting in numbers that "felt right"

I might add more to the list


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Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: ZeaLitY on May 09, 2006, 01:00:23 am
Fixed it. The forum cut off the upload for some reason.
Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 01:48:29 am
Fixed code for Chrono 99's new Map. 

NOTE:  I will hold the master Rom during beta testing

Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Ramsus on May 09, 2006, 03:27:17 am
Snes9x on an iBook G4 running Mac OS X Tiger crash reports:

#1: Entering the Mayor's manor (EDIT: in Truce) after running around town and Leene square. Snes9x crashes right after you talk to the girl who explains what the manor is for and try to make your way inside.

#2: Just northwest of Porre, while still within the Medieval-mystic sounding music region. I explored Porre in a clockwise fashion, dropped off the pie, and then the game crashed on the world map while heading towards their Mayor's manor.

I haven't tried duplicating either bug yet.
Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Ramsus on May 09, 2006, 03:43:38 am
What's with the mystic ferry guy at the Medina ferry station? I chose "Let's book" and now I'm stuck in an invisible box back in Porre's (?) ferry station listening to happy music.

One of the beta testers should look into this.

EDIT: Also, Robo faces left during the reunion scene, but I approached from the right, so he's facing the wrong way throughout the entire thing.
Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 05:39:25 am
I was unable to reproduce the first two bugs (your first post) however the attached patch should fix the robo bug and the invisible wall bug.  Robo bug just needed a "relative facing" instead of a facing, invisible wall is because those rugs have a Zplane for some reason.  I'll keep trying to reproduce the first two bugs since those are by far the worst kind.

Thanks so much for beta testing.

If you can duplicate it try a few things see if it's actually talking to the girl in the mayors manor that causes it. 

As for the world map is it while walking towards porre or before the world map even loads that the game crashes?


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Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Ramsus on May 09, 2006, 05:47:54 am
The crashing bug seems to occur randomly, however I didn't encounter them with a different build of Snes9x (based on the same version of the source). To reproduce it, you'd just have to play the game for any length of time, and Snes9x will crash within minutes. I'm pretty sure this is just an Snes9x 1.43 on OS X Tiger issue.
Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 05:53:08 am
Hm, I suppose relatively that's good news.  I'm gunna make a few notes of my own here that I'll get to tomorrow

If you go up the Porre's mayor manor 2nd floor and come back down you load on the sprite and can't move (this is only after the zenan Bridge cutscene when everythings different)--Fixed in above patch

The girl upstairs in Truce's mayor manor has the wrong text once you enter her tutorial, we should probably remove the tutorials altogether--Fixed in above patch

Some mapping and text issues at Porre Square---Fixed in above patch

Move the debug room so that the player is forced to talk to the Mom first.  Not talking to the mom has some ramifications (magic isn't auto learned, Museum isn't fixed etc)

Part of Glenn's speech is over running, also 2nd PC is facing wrong direction

Black box upstairs in Porre Inn still

Hey Zeality is it possible to make it so I can edit this post, mainly so i can update the rom at the top of this page?

Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Chrono'99 on May 09, 2006, 06:51:55 pm
Mwahaha, I'm gonna debug the hell out of this demo. Here's what I have so far (the Prologue basically).


- Crono has a textbox, it's weird (even if it's just "...") o_o
- "worried" is not spaced at the left like the rest of the Marle's text

Leene Square

- you can't talk to the blue guard twice (except if you leave the screen and go back)
- maybe the 2 soldiers could have a walking sprite or something when they rush into each other

- the guy who says "Aisha how could you" has his head under the vegetation when he jumps
- Gato has turned into a frigging dark Golem! :shock:

- if you open the menu then exit it, the Heroes' statues appear colored like the real guys for about 1 second, before taking the gray shading (if you can't fix it maybe you could just disable the menu in that room like it was in CT)


- Mayor's Manor: maybe we can change the name, since the Mayor isn't there anymore?
- on the 2nd floor, you walk horizontally when going downstairs, instead of walking... downstairs

- the game freezes if you talk to Mrs. Alisa twice (even if you talk once, go out and in again)
- by the way, the Pie and Card are classified as "Weapon" in the inventory, and they don't disappear when you give them
- also, Queen Aliza was Marle's mother, so perhaps we should change Mrs. Alisa's name

- the town square is called "Eternal Repose"
- if you face the notepad of the writer guy, Crono's hair is hidden under the left side tile of the table
- Crono's head appears under the trees too, when you walk on the South of them

- some priority problems with the bar counter tiles: in the Market, the radio has its lower subtiles hidden under the counter, while the plant is completely hidden (I saw it by disabling layer 2)

- in the Snail Stop, it's the dish with... something red in it which has its upper subtiles hidden under the counter, while the small blue bottle at the left side of the counter is completely hidden

- the radio is half-hidden in the Inn too
- and there's no music in that Inn


- there are a few tile problems in the Choras Station: you can go "in" the wall at the bottom left, can walk on the plant, there's a black tile which hides the diagonal roof tile at the top right, Crono's head under the chairs
- also the lack of scroll mask makes the room at the left visible, and it makes the screen moves too much (a scroll mask reducing the scrolling span would be better I think)

- Guardia is at war with them Medinas? wtf? o_o that's what the woman says in the Residence

- Hero's Grave: there's a chest in the room at the left of the entrance but you can't open it
- Some minor typos: full stops are missing in "Children don't appreciate history", "What an honor", and "A replica of the famous blade" (this one should take one line instead of 2 by the way); museum is variously spelt; "The vanguard" lacks the majuscule


- in the Ferry, Crono's head appears under the plant at the left

- in the Auxiliary, Crono's head appears under the chairs
- the battlebox should appear at the bottom so that it doesn't hide the wall and the pretty swords
- the grey imp is called Green Imp

- you can walk "on" the big rock at the Medina Cape thingy
- the "unhospitable Medina music" (whatever it's called) plays on the world map but Spekkio's theme plays in the houses

- in the Elder's House, the Spekkio music plays for 1 second but is cut by the cutscene
- Bandeau says "elder" without the majuscule
- when he lets Bandeau exits the room, maybe Crono should walk to the left side instead of rushing up near the stairs (he looks like he's going to attack Bandeau or something!)

- maybe we should just get rip of the blue pyramid tile on the world map, it makes no sense since the party made it disappear in CT (I think it was still there in CT after you deactivated it but it makes no sense still)
- ...and so Toma wouldn't speak about a "pyramid", but just some ruins

- the tile which hides the entrance to Heckran's Cave appears "on" Crono's sprite if you walk under it

Vanguard Post

- the guard who says "Can I help you" has a textbox with lines that are spaced at the left (the textbox with Glenn mentioned), but the rest of his textboxes aren't spaced like this
- Crono's head is again hidden by the chairs

- in the study, the guy who speaks about soldier uniforms is hidden by his textbox (would be better if it appeared at the top of the screen)
- Roget has to present himself to Crono: as prince of Guardia, Crono should already know him... well the player doesn't so he still has to present himself, but he could do it in a more subtle way maybe (or another NPC could say it instead)

- in the jail, Crono's head is hidden by the pot above the blue guard, by the wooden boxes and the chair behind Luther


- Crono appears "on" the left column in the main chapel if he walk near it (similar problem for the right column but only for its bottom tile)
- Crono appears "on" the diagonal wall tiles near the bottom exit (main chapel)

- in Renault's room, you can walk on the chair near the table
- if you had the Shamshir equiped when you talk to him and no other sword in inventory, a Lead Sword suddenly appears to replace it (this Shamshir should just be an unequipable item, even if there will be other, equipable Shamshirs later)


- when Lucca joins the party, there's no renaming screen or "joined your party!" textbox (there are those for Magus)
- once you recruited Lucca and if you go to her house, she appears in middle of the room saying a line from CT
- I thought it'd be nice to bring Lucca to see Melchior, but Melchior's text is still "say hello to Lucca"

Guardia Castle

- there's still a black chest in the stairs to the King's room

- during the meeting with Porre, someone mentions a fanfare but you don't really hear any
- the emissaries still cross the wall when they leave and go up the stairs
- when the emissary cyborg jumps, he is hidden by some of the tiles
- Lucca says he's fast but he's actually quite slow (much slower than Crono when he slashed Ingrus also)
- the party don't really go up the stairs when they chase the cyborg


- in Denadoro, if the cyborg isn't supposed to steal the Time Egg again, maybe the egg should actually explode or go in the Gate like the party, because it'd be left there on the grass if it doesn't
- the scene with Magus: the diagonal edges of the cliffs are hidden

Other stuff

- I guess "JugglerCape" was too long, it appears as "JugglerCap" in the menus

- Wouldn't it be better if the items which go to the Choras Museum appeared in inventory and you'd have to bring them there yourself? Personally I think the process with the Guardia coins was not very noticeable. A casual player could pay (aha pay) no attention to the little dialogue with the Chancellor, then later he would see some coins in the museum and have no clue how they appeared there.

- Finally, I believe we should put the real chapter names in the save screen instead of "Crimson Echoes".
Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 09, 2006, 10:42:45 pm
Hurray a chrono 99 debug, I'll get to it tonight.

FYI.  we can't have real chapters because were not actually using the chapter memory location.  The reason were not is because by setting the real chapter memory location we get alot of "free code" done for us because it sets the game up like it was at the end of the game.  I.E.  Lavos crater, having the bridge fixed, etc.

Title: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Daniel Krispin on May 10, 2006, 02:07:51 am
For some reason, the cathedral goes black for me when I enter it. Considering it didn't happen for anyone else, that's probably just me. But a few things I did notice (I don't think these were mentioned)...

You're told that you get a katana or something like that (red katana, was it?) but a Shamshir is a totally different sort of weapon. It's single-edged like all of Crono's, but it's an Indian sword: long and slender and curved. It bears no real look similarity with a katana. In that case, he should get a Shamshir in the dialogue box or, conversely, a katana in the inventory, just so things match up.

Also, I think I may have had the Ouranios Hupopuramis a little wrong. It's unsightly, just pairing two nouns together like that or, rather, trying to make 'hypopuramis' an adjective (ie. the 'underpyramid' heaven) I'll just take a look at that Greek again (I'm far more versed in it now than I was back then) Firstly, Puramis is not the root for pyramid... puramid is (judging by the fact that the lexicon gives puramidos as the genetive.) Thus, I figure, it is a dental stem. Damn I'm glad this stuff is actually making sense to me now! Anyway, the best bet is to put 'hupo' in the dative, thus puramid is declined into puramidi. Now, the sentence Ouranios Hupopuramidi is still stupid, basically saying 'heaven under pyramid'... there's no bloody verb! We need 'to be' at least, and that is, in this case, rendered estin. Finally, unless you want a general 'a heaven' rather than specific 'heaven', one needs an article on the ouranios (as well as on the pyramid). Thus 'Ho Ouranios Hupo Tay Puramidi Estin' = Heaven is under the pyramid. Now, I suppose if you want a shorter sentence, you could render it using a participle. Well... let's see... 'Ouranios Huponoumenos Tay Puramidi'. That's basically 'heaven which is under-dwelling the pyramid'. Though I guess that's not shorter. Oh, and I left off the article from Ouranios, as I suppose one could intend 'a heaven', indeed. It's up to you, anyway, I just thought, looking at what was there, I'd made it look rather unsightly with that translation.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 10, 2006, 04:04:17 am
- on the 2nd floor, you walk horizontally when going downstairs, instead of walking... downstairs

.......I hate mapping.  I tried fixing it for about a half hour before I got really frustrade dand quit.  Calling all mappers.

- also, Queen Aliza was Marle's mother, so perhaps we should change Mrs. Alisa's name

This'll be a plot guy issue.
For later Zeality has suggested Elisa.

- Guardia is at war with them Medinas? wtf? o_o that's what the woman says in the Residence

Hm, looks like you got some text from later in the game.  Zeality issue.
For later Zeality has suggested "The Museum curator is looking for new pieces."

- Some minor typos: full stops are missing in "Children don't appreciate history", "What an honor", and "A replica of the famous blade" (this one should take one line instead of 2 by the way); museum is variously spelt; "The vanguard" lacks the majuscule

I've asked Zeality to completely redo the text there.  I HATE spelling the word museum haha.  Hm mauscule=capital letter (

- the "unhospitable Medina music" (whatever it's called) plays on the world map but Spekkio's theme plays in the house

Hm...this seems to be intentional, if we get enough people to veto it I suppose I can change it.  I'm not a big fan of speekios music playing everywhere either.
Got the OK to make it the music on the world map, I'll get to it tonight.

- maybe we should just get rip of the blue pyramid tile on the world map, it makes no sense since the party made it disappear in CT (I think it was still there in CT after you deactivated it but it makes no sense still)

I've put in a new sprite, you approve or thinking of something else?

- Roget has to present himself to Crono: as prince of Guardia, Crono should already know him... well the player doesn't so he still has to present himself, but he could do it in a more subtle way maybe (or another NPC could say it instead)

Um, I'm not sure if you'll like what I put but I'm sure Zeality can do better.   It is a valid point.

- if you had the Shamshir equiped when you talk to him and no other sword in inventory, a Lead Sword suddenly appears to replace it (this Shamshir should just be an unequipable item, even if there will be other, equipable Shamshirs later)

OK, I'm always weary to add items for fear of corrupting the rom, or atleast getting annoying errors (people who have tried mapping 1002 AD will know what I'm talking about.  I think that was caused by "adding" an exit. So I'm trying to add items as little as possible.  Also if we add to many we won't have enough space.  We've already added, pie, card, Instrument Parts, Weapons (Magus will have many more now), etc.  Eventually if we see were having enough space we can do that.

- the scene with Magus: the diagonal edges of the cliffs are hidden

Not really sure what you meant by this.  Or it's just late and I'm not seeing it.
- I guess "JugglerCape" was too long, it appears as "JugglerCap" in the menus

JgglerCape work??
- Wouldn't it be better if the items which go to the Choras Museum appeared in inventory and you'd have to bring them there yourself? Personally I think the process with the Guardia coins was not very noticeable. A casual player could pay (aha pay) no attention to the little dialogue with the Chancellor, then later he would see some coins in the museum and have no clue how they appeared there.

Same issue as stated above.  I can make the text a little more clear maybe?

- Finally, I believe we should put the real chapter names in the save screen instead of "Crimson Echoes".
I mentioned above why we can't do this.  I do understand what you mean, I tried to keep the chapter feel by adding chapter text boxes

and Finally the Red Katana is now called the Shamshir

Daniel, are you using the patch on an Unheadered Rom?  Also make sure that you are using an Unheadered completely clean ROM.  It's easy to get mix it up accidently.  I keep a ROM called "cleancopy".

WHEW, that's most of the bugs, after a couple more days of this I'll hand it over to Zeality to do anything above that i couldn't get to.  Anyways heres the latest ROM.  It should have all the things fixed that are in Chrono 99's post, and not in my post.  In fact even most of the stuff in my post is "fixed" I just want to get some feedback on my fixes.    I'll also keep a copy of the latest ROM in the first post. 

By all means keep beta testing, there's no better feeling than a before and after debug session.

Well maybe a few better feelings.

NOTE: I have found 2 locations that have become corrupted, I have fixed them and posted a new ROM.  I did a quick search through the locations and didn't find anything else suspicious but tell me if a screen is blanking out on you.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 10, 2006, 09:58:13 pm

- on the 2nd floor, you walk horizontally when going downstairs, instead of walking... downstairs

- Some minor typos: full stops are missing in "Children don't appreciate history", "What an honor", and "A replica of the famous blade" (this one should take one line instead of 2 by the way); museum is variously spelt; "The vanguard" lacks the majuscule

- the scene with Magus: the diagonal edges of the cliffs are hidden

OK, the patch below should only have those 3 up there left.  Oh, well pie and card say weapon cause I guess they used blank weapon spots...I should fix that.....later though.

First one is just annoying and needs a mappers touch, second one will be fixed by Zeality, not sure what the third one is.  Um I made a few changes in the patch below, ayla runs now after the fight, a problem with a talking magus, a few text overflows I spotted yada yada yada.

Keep up the beta testing.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Chrono'99 on May 11, 2006, 06:17:12 am
- the scene with Magus: the diagonal edges of the cliffs are hidden
I mean some cliff edges (I think there's on Layer 1) are hidden by the snow tiles (Layer 2) which are supposed to be under the cliff. It's probably a priority issue.

I have to go now, but I'll take a look at the stairs later.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Janus Zeal on May 11, 2006, 04:52:31 pm
- Dalton has repeating dialogue at the top of Beast Forest:
" I have a date with with immortality"

- Also, there are roblems with music in some places of the game.
Ex: When Magus faces Golem Boss in Beast Forest, the music changes from boss battle to the normal battle music.

- No music in some places, such as when the two Porre soldiers discuss killing King Guardia.

- Glitchy dialogue in the Reisdence above Truce Market. (After defeating Gen. Montrcrief/Porre Invasion)
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Daniel Krispin on May 12, 2006, 03:24:57 am
Okay, there are very few problems I found in a quick playthrough. Someone's been through the dialogue, and done a good job at it to boot, so whoever did that, kudos to them (though, technically, 'kudos', in its strictest sense, is the wrong word.) One thing... is it just me, or are those black squares there for everyone when going to confront Dalton at the cliff? And, for a second... how far does the demo go? Because I've seen some mention fighting General Montcrief, yet all but one of the houses in the Porre base cause the player sprites to disappear for me - and that includes the one with Montcrief. What is this?
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 12, 2006, 12:17:20 pm
Oh man I'm sorry Daniel, that was a bad patch that I released, it should be fixed on the latest patch, which will always be found on the first post now. (It was trying to get the scrolling fixed in Choras' ferry).  There's actually quite a bit after that, please do check it out. 

I'm pretty sure the black squares are gone on the latest patch, they were there so that when I was debugging I wouldn't run into enemies.

I'll check out the repaeating text and missing music.

EDIT:  Alrighty I didn't see the repeating text at the top of Beast forest, but fixed the truce residence text and music bug.  But the biggest thing in this release is JLukas' patch to keep the players out of 2300 AD.  That should make this Demo unbreakable (good movie).  I've also checked to make sure that the Porre camp bug is indeed fixed.  (by the way to get there fast go to the demo room, talk to johnny.  Then all you have to do is trigger the event in the basement and talkto belthasar and you'll be on your way to the camp).  This patch will also be availible on the first post of this thread.

Would you guys prefer if I only posted the ROM in the top post.  I've been posting it twice so tha tyou wouldn't have to go back to the first page to download it. 


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Chrono'99 on May 12, 2006, 12:54:38 pm
I've made a small patch for the stairs in William's room. Those tile properties are impossible to understand, I eventually just copy-pasted some stairs properties from the Medina map on it.

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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 12, 2006, 05:57:43 pm
Added Chrono 99's patch to the first post on the page.  Also singing mountain's music wasn't playing, I turned it back on (shrug)

Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 14, 2006, 04:11:08 am
This post and the first post in the thread will now have JLukas' patch, a few cleanup's I found, and fixed scrolling Chronopolis elevator.  I also made a quick vista for Singing Mountain, I put it in A6, if anyone wants to fix it up.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: ZeaLitY on May 14, 2006, 11:42:04 am
Posting from a hotel. gone for a few days still; keep it up!
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 15, 2006, 04:17:45 am
I added a scene if you place the glass rose on Schala's tombstone.  I think it came out pretty cool though Zeality will have to touch up the text.  Um not much else to report I added music to a few places that I noticed didn't have any and added Hadriel to the programming room.

This is the last chance to beta test the ROM everyone.  Once Z comes back he'll fix text in the museaum and that scene I added and then were shipping this out to the public.  So by all means please beta test.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 15, 2006, 07:07:18 pm
I did a little beta testing myself.  Fixed up quite a few maps and music

There was also a couple problems with the text at the end.  Crono was talking if you had him as the second party member, and the game would freeze if Magus was the lead.  I also added a little bit to the Magus/Schala scene I mentioned before.

I cleaned up events in Dalton's Dungeon to. 

So I'm hoping that people not reporting bugs means that people are giving a thumbs up for a release?


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Hadriel on May 16, 2006, 08:04:42 am
OK, it's summer now.  Time to get back in gear with this project.  Just as soon as I actually get the demo to run.  I patched an unheadered CT ROM with Lunar IPS and I get no response save a momentary computer freeze-up from ZSNES and SNES9X.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 16, 2006, 11:55:14 am worked on my comp.   So I tried to make another patch and for some reason it's really big.  I'm gunna host it myself because I can't make an attachment but if anyone can patch their rom and make a smaller patch by all means please do.  I'll look at it when I get back.

EDIT:  I got the patch smaller......the below patch should work (I tested it), if not try the above link.  If neither of these work maybe I can email you something.  Judging by the size of the file it looks like it's the exact same patch though...


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Chrono'99 on May 16, 2006, 02:45:35 pm
I've just found 2 really nasty bugs.

I actually reported the first one a while ago, but we never really found what was the cause: the game freezes when Lucca appears in Crono's House and Crono enters the room. I think I found what triggers this: the scene freezes if you have fought Gato / the scene plays normally if you haven't fought (fought/spoke to?/lost against?) Gato.

The second bug is simply the character's names in dialogues. I started a game with random names (well, not so random: Serge, Leena, Kid :) ) but Crono, Marle, Lucca still show in many textboxes. I only skimmed through Truce so I don't know how many textboxes are affected, but there might be many (there are already a lot in Truce).
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 16, 2006, 05:12:00 pm
hoo boy, it could be caused by putting Lucca instead of {Lucca}, etc.  I'll look into the gato thing right now.

These the only big bugs you can find?

Edit:  Fixed the freezing bug......for some reason the code had a if(silverpoints & 4) ExploreMode must have been leftover code from before though I have no idea how that was used in CT.  Very very nice catch Chrono 99.  I'll release a patch after I go through the text and try to find any Crono instead of {Crono}, hopefully it's only the beginning I tried my best to use the brackets instead of the names, though I may have slipped sometimes.

Edit:  The patch below fixes any names I caught up till the end of demo one, it should also have the gato freeze bug fixed.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 17, 2006, 06:47:23 pm
I got bored today so I made the locations for the ruined ocean Palace that Schala is in.  If you wanna access it walk around the north east of schala's sprite at the end of the demo.  These locations are obviously not demo worthy but I thought we might as well do something while we wait.  So if anyone wants to fix those maps feel free.  I'll probably chrono tweaker em at some point tonight so the enemies are beatable.

EDIT:  Following the advice of Zeality I have Robo walk into Fiona's Villa so you can interact with him now.  I also made it so that "pie" and "card" are no longer weapons. 


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Agent 12 on May 18, 2006, 02:41:40 am
Alrighty everyone Last call for any bug reports.  Demo 2 will be released in less than 24 hours.

Zeality here's the list of stuff to do before you release:

Melchior Text:  Chronopolis Generator room, should be last object
Museaum Sidequest Text:  Guardia Castle Chancellor, SanDorinio Inn, object 13, And porre Elders house 600 AD
Guardia Castle NPC's in Queen's tower, if memory serves correctly that location is a weird number, it's near the bottom, maybe not though
You mentioned cleaning up the Vista
Add the portraits

Should all be very quick fixes, 90% chance I'll be on tomorrow anyways

This patch has 2 more NPC's in the Debug room, one will take you to see the debug room, through which you can get out and explore the world post Singing mountain, though it should be the same world as post Zenan Bridge.

It also has an NPC that will take you to the Ocean Ruins that I'm working on.


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Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: ZeaLitY on May 18, 2006, 03:01:24 pm
I'll wait for Chrono'99's experimental patch. Also, I got the portraits to work, so I'll add that patch when I change the text.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Shinrin on May 18, 2006, 05:23:58 pm
Things seems to be going ok while i have been away form my own computer for the past week. hopefully i'll be on tomorrow night, if not i will be on Saturday :D i'm having fun, and i'll post some pictures of my trip up when i get home. :D have fun continuing this beta testing.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Hadriel on May 20, 2006, 03:53:42 am
I'm having to do my contribution after the release, unfortunately, but there are still plenty of kinks that need to be worked out.  In terms of software errors, there are:

1) In the Porre military base, Crono's head goes under the counter in the corner connecting the stairs and the kitchen.
2) On the 12,000 B.C. world map, Magus goes under one of the ice structures between the crater and the village system.
3) In Sargon's house, Magus goes right over the top of his desk.
4) When Magus and Dalton are arguing, Magus keeps on doing his drum major salute thing long after the "Prepare yourself!" line.
5) Right before he gets to Dalton, his head goes under a tile of snow.
6) At the battleground where he fights the Golem Boss, it's possible to enter the walkway just to the left of the entrance; it doesn't look like this was intended to happen.
7) Four tiles in a row are off-kilter at the upper right corner of the initial Beast Forest room.  The lower-right corner also has oddly done tiling between the tree and the cliff.
8) Typo on the Elder's gravestone.  I really don't see how it got past the beta stage.
9) Dalton's hideout should be signified on the world map as a location.  If Magus can see it, we need to be able to see it, or to at least know where it is from a bird's-eye perspective.
10) Where'd the music for the Coliseum fights come from?
11) In the Porre camp, after stealing the guy's uniform, Crono and Lucca have trouble following Marle.
12) Regarding Singing Mountain, JESUS CHRIST MY FUCKING EYES.  I'd appreciate a tile that doesn't blind me.

Gameplay-wise, there's the Magus level-up glitch, but that's been reported.  The only major improvement I can think of is that dying in the Coliseum shouldn't trigger a Game Over.  It's a government-sanctioned facility which has to conform to certain laws and regulations; there are bound to be EMTs, paramedics, and doctors standing by for emergencies.  The team should just appear fully healed in the main lobby with a "ha ha, you lost" or "tough break, train harder and try again" message from the receptionist.  Also, there are random powerful weapons scattered around. 

From a plot standpoint, I like the reversal you pulled on the Chronopolis and Magus chapters.  But it isn't explained how Dalton miraculously came back from limbo, or why he's even there at that point in the plot; Magus was supposed to be searching for Schala.  Also, there isn't any need to have Sorin go to the future.  It's enough to simply have him be able to start a war because the team left and wasn't there to prevent it; having him tag along is just an extra hoop to jump through, and one that'll get in the way in the long run.

Also, I'm kinda stuck.  I just got back from Singing Mountain with Ayla, and I can't get back to the Epoch for the life of me; it's still over there.  Was I supposed to go to Dactyl Nest first, or what?

Edit: One possibility for renaming something would be with Magus; at one point, whenever he's ready to go on his psyche-changing sidequest, when he gets back we could have the name menu pop up again, with the default name being Janus and a new character portrait to signify it.  He's never going to be completely redeemed for what he did, no matter what volume of good works he manages to pull off in his life, but that doesn't stop him from shifting worldviews.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Janus Zeal on May 20, 2006, 01:56:14 pm
One possibility for renaming something would be with Magus; at one point, whenever he's ready to go on his psyche-changing sidequest, when he gets back we could have the name menu pop up again, with the default name being Janus and a new character portrait to signify it.  He's never going to be completely redeemed for what he did, no matter what volume of good works he manages to pull off in his life, but that doesn't stop him from shifting worldviews.

Agreed. Magus is a title, not his name. At this point he is no longer the dark warlord we all knew and loved.
Title: Re: Hard Beta Testing Begins! All Report!
Post by: Chrono'99 on May 20, 2006, 02:03:03 pm
Personnally, I would say he's no longer the young jerk Janus either... but Lucca's letter in CC does mention "Janus", not Magus or Magil (aha, that one would have been cool), so I guess it's a good and logical idea.

EDIT: I'm not sure changing his portrait is possible though.