Chrono Compendium

Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis => History, Locations, and Artifacts => Topic started by: ChronoMagus on February 20, 2006, 11:08:58 pm

Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 20, 2006, 11:08:58 pm
Medina of course is the great city of the Mystics...  Medina is also the city at which the Prophet Muhammad spent much of his life and is buried in. (We are talking about the real world if you for some reason was thinking the Chrono world).  However the real world Medina was not always called Medina.  Its name was changed with the arrival of the Prophet, and Medina indeed means The City of the Prophet.
Now the Mystics were once ruled by Magus, but Magus was known by many names.  One of those titles was of course, the Prophet.  Therefore Medina would be the city of the Mystic Prophet.
I doubt that this was unintentional, but if it was intentional was it merely foreshadowing that Magus was to be a Prophet, or did somehow the Mystics know that he was to be the Prophet, or had Magus already seemed like a prophet to them?
Also what was the Japanese name of the city?
Title: Medina
Post by: ibax7588 on February 20, 2006, 11:39:12 pm
Interesting connection with the Medina thing, I never would have thought of that myself.

I don't imagine that the title "the prophet" would have literally come from 12,000 BC, because it is my understanding is that Magus only appeared in Zeal as a result of the alternate timeline created by the arrival of Crono and company at Lavos' summoning. Otherwise, Lavos would have awakened on schedule and killed Magus, explaining his sudden disappearence.

My only speculation is the connection between Magus and Lavos in 600 AD. We know that Magus' desire to summon Lavos stems from his love for his sister Schala and his desire to avenge her or to bring about her return by defeating Lavos in battle. Yet the Mystics that you speak with in 1000 AD seem convinced that the reason that Magus wished to summon Lavos was to eradicate the human race exclusively and lead to the world being ruled by the Mystics.

Is it possible that Magus used the Mystics' to achieve his end of eventually summoning Lavos? My whole argument is that perhaps Magus became the leader of the Mystics by convincing them of the power of Lavos and falsely leading them to believe that they would gain power from his arrival, when in reality he simply wanted to summon Lavos to defeat him.

In a way, this line of thought explains why the Mystics viewed him as a prophet, because he was a prophet for Lavos. I always looked at that as the intuitive explanation.
Title: Medina
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on February 21, 2006, 02:21:07 am
In my opinion there is a connection, though it could be a Woolseyism.
For all we know it could be the Christian view that Muhammad is a demon. Plus, many viewed Lavos as Magus's satanic god (before you find the truth of course), and its the same with Muhammad.
Title: Medina
Post by: SilentMartyr on February 21, 2006, 03:34:11 pm
This should probably go in the real life influences forum.

My only speculation is the connection between Magus and Lavos in 600 AD. We know that Magus' desire to summon Lavos stems from his love for his sister Schala and his desire to avenge her or to bring about her return by defeating Lavos in battle. Yet the Mystics that you speak with in 1000 AD seem convinced that the reason that Magus wished to summon Lavos was to eradicate the human race exclusively and lead to the world being ruled by the Mystics.

Is it possible that Magus used the Mystics' to achieve his end of eventually summoning Lavos? My whole argument is that perhaps Magus became the leader of the Mystics by convincing them of the power of Lavos and falsely leading them to believe that they would gain power from his arrival, when in reality he simply wanted to summon Lavos to defeat him.

It only stems for the revenge, he has no belief that would give the assumption that he is doing it so Schala can return.

Magus: Ever since Lavos's time
   portal stranded me in the Middle

   I have waited to even the score.

Either Magus used Lavos or his magical abilities to become the Mystics leader. I would almost have to assume that when Jnaus was gated to 600 and Ozzie sent the imps to attack him that Janus dealt with them using magic. But then again, Janus does cower when Ozzie sedns the imps after him.
Title: Medina
Post by: ibax7588 on February 22, 2006, 12:00:52 am
Magus: Ever since Lavos's time
portal stranded me in the Middle

I have waited to even the score.

That's right! I forgot when Magus said that in CT. Then I guess that Marle's assumption that Magus was leaving at the end of the game to hunt for Schala has no grounds?
Title: Medina
Post by: Sentenal on February 22, 2006, 12:04:17 am
Quote from: ibax7588
Magus: Ever since Lavos's time
portal stranded me in the Middle

I have waited to even the score.

That's right! I forgot when Magus said that in CT. Then I guess that Marle's assumption that Magus was leaving at the end of the game to hunt for Schala has no grounds?

Or maybe after the score had been evened, he moved onto goal #2.
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 22, 2006, 12:29:03 am
Which is probably to find Schala...
But does anyone know the Japanese name for Medina and what it means...
Title: Medina
Post by: SilentMartyr on February 22, 2006, 11:24:14 am
Quote from: ibax7588
Magus: Ever since Lavos's time
portal stranded me in the Middle

I have waited to even the score.

That's right! I forgot when Magus said that in CT. Then I guess that Marle's assumption that Magus was leaving at the end of the game to hunt for Schala has no grounds?

I think that it is a case of different circumstances. I don't think he ever dreamed that he would get the chance to find Schala, let alone under a different set of events. I would almost bet that he thinks that what he did as the Prophet changed what originally happened to Schala (which we all know is very true). Basically I agree with Sentenal.

I would give it plenty of ground, since we see Magus flying around in what seems to be 12,000 in the ending. Also what else would he be doing back then? I highly doubt he would want to live in that era until he passes away.
Title: Medina
Post by: Namara on February 22, 2006, 05:00:01 pm
That's an interesting connection.  You learn something new everyday I suppose.

It's guessed that Magus went on to search for Schala based mainly on Marle's guess which he did not answer.  I doubt that this line would be included, though, if it were not accurate or even probable.  I think its safe to assume that Magus saw that his actions as the prophet changed so that Schala might still be alive.  Now that Lavos is gone, what else does he have to do besides look for his sister.  I doubt that he's sit around and wait for the end of his life when there was a possibility that Schala was alive.  What he really did though is anybody's guess because because we're not provided with that information, in the english translation anyway.
Title: Medina
Post by: SilentMartyr on February 23, 2006, 04:35:47 pm
I just replayed the North Cape scene last night and Janus actually doesn't cower so it is very likely that he disposed of the Imps with magic.

Magus might have even thought that since Crono could be saved that he could save Schala in a similar manner. He might have went back to 12,000 to see if he could find Gaspar's work on the Time Egg in that era.
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 23, 2006, 09:45:16 pm
I always believed Magus viewed the Time Egg as his solution once he saw Crono die and then be reborn.  Magus has nothing better to do really, so it would come as no suprise to me if he sent out to find if he could recreate the Time Egg.

Also about Janus, he seems to be a dark Gohan.  The only sense I connect him to Gohan is the fact his energy is strongly kept hidden, but if he did dispose of the Imps who found him, then he must be able to activate it when needed.
Title: Medina
Post by: Zaperking on February 24, 2006, 02:20:06 am
What I don't understand is what Melchior, or someone in Zeal meant by "Janus was only using Schala and the Queen to get to Lavos".
Title: Medina
Post by: AuraTwilight on February 24, 2006, 06:51:21 pm
He was manipulating his family to get a stand at the Ocean Palace so he can get revenge on Lavos. Simple enough.
Title: Medina
Post by: Namara on February 24, 2006, 11:36:55 pm
I doubt the person that made that comment though knew that the prophet was Janus.  So its not talking about how Magus comes back as the prophet to get revenge.

I've noticed this quote before as well.  It might just be a translation error, or a wrong hint (like the gossip stone in OoT that talked about Kapora being the reincarnation of Rauru).
Title: Medina
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on February 25, 2006, 04:37:36 am
This has taken a large turn from the original meaning of the thread.
You should go to Google to check it out.
The thing is we don't know what Medina was like before Janus. To connect them we must know if Medina (a) accepted Janus's teachings, (b) had spies to topple Janus, (c) was bad before Janus and (d) if Janus made it better
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 25, 2006, 10:54:25 am
I'm pretty sure the common Mystics accepted Janus/Maugs.  They viewed him as a hero or savior even.  Ozzie may have had spies to kill Magus (not that they would suceed...).  The other two we have really nothing about.  Janus probably did come with a message that he would make the city of Medina great and powerful.
Also if Magus had suceeded to defeat Lavos in his encounter at 600 AD, would he have continued the war and defeated the humans?
Title: Medina
Post by: Discoman on February 25, 2006, 01:18:40 pm
I doubt he'd really care, after succesfully defeating him perhaps he'd continue his prophet plan.
Title: Medina
Post by: Legend of the Past on February 25, 2006, 02:37:17 pm
He'd probably either finish the war to please the Mystics or leave to find a way to bring Schala back.
Title: Medina
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on February 27, 2006, 03:31:31 am
There must be some connection with the THREE MAGI and MAGUS
Title: Medina
Post by: SilentMartyr on February 27, 2006, 04:24:51 pm
I doubt he would have continued the war. He probably would have tried to learn a way to time travel, or just have lived out his life. Remember Magus wouldn't have ever seen the Time Egg in action, so he wouldn't have seen such a feasible way to bring Schala back.
Title: Medina
Post by: Zaperking on February 27, 2006, 04:36:02 pm
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
There must be some connection with the THREE MAGI and MAGUS

Melchior to me seems like the Grandfather type to Janus and Schala. Especially how he tried to save Janus.
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 27, 2006, 06:37:07 pm
Magi is simply the high order priest group in the Zoroastrian religion.  Magus probably was called that, due to the fact he was seen as a high and powerful figure in the Mystic mind.  Probably to the degree of religious leader or prophet.
Title: Medina
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on February 28, 2006, 03:06:19 am
How You Will Be Pwnd (
As you can see my friend, you have been owned.
Title: Medina
Post by: Daniel Krispin on February 28, 2006, 05:08:01 am
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
How You Will Be Pwnd (
As you can see my friend, you have been owned.

How was he? What he said was perfectly valid, or mostly so. The connection between Magus and the Magi is that Magus (latinized from Magos, which is Greekified for some persian word, probably Majus or something like that); plural, the Greeks said it Magoi, which became Magi.

Oh, and Wikipedia sucks. Don't trust it. Ever. Someone I know once put in an entry on the Samurai that the last of their number was Tomachiro Cruze, and it stayed up for a month. It is horridly unreliable. Not unless you know it yourself to be true.

However, looking over it, at least the Greek part is right. Magoi apo anatolon indeed means 'Wise-men from the East'. (though, literally, anatolon is what we'd call Anatolia, and that's Turkey; the name means 'rising... ' something or other. Not stars, but maybe firmament.) But really... don't trust Wiki for anything serious. My father was looking for things on Paul Gerhardt there, and it said that the Swedes dropped bombs on his village. The guys lived in the 1600s for goodness sake!

Magoi is NOT neutral in gender. If it were, singular would be Magon, and plural Maga. Magoi is standard second-declension plural masculine. I defenitely denotes a male set. See? A mistake. A minor one, but a mistake nonetheless... but it stands out like an eyesore now that I see it.
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on February 28, 2006, 07:27:46 pm
uhm you know I think looking up the word Magus is more reliable...
Yeah and I like the line where it says:
Magus (plural Magi, from Latin, via Greek μάγος ; Old English: Mage; from Old Persian maguš)

It kind of proves my point.
I am Persian, I know these things.  The Three Magi in the Bible are Three Zoroastrian Priests or some other three random wiseman.  So how was I pwned?
Also guess what...  Magus is the base word for the english words mage and magic.
Title: Medina
Post by: Daniel Krispin on February 28, 2006, 09:45:29 pm
Quote from: ChronoMagus
I am Persian, I know these things.

Yeah, I was kind of wondering if you were, what with you saying that bit about how Cyrus' name actually was said. It's funny, the TA that was teaching us that day said at one time, he was telling this other person in a pub all about the stories of the ancient Perso-Median dynasties - Cyrus and Cambyses and all that - and after a while the guy laughed, saying how messed up the names sound. It turns out the guy was Persian, and was used to saying the names in their original Persian, rather than the Greek versions that come to us through Herodotus. I actually hadn't known that up until a few weeks ago, but found it a rather fascinating shift from Persian to Greek.
Title: Medina
Post by: supaaren on February 28, 2006, 10:52:07 pm
Magus's Japanese name is Maou.

魔王, which translates to "devil," from Japanese.

魔 means evil
王 means king

you can take 魔 and add 法 (hou) to it to make:
魔法: magic.

Does this help any?  *shrug*
Title: Medina
Post by: ChronoMagus on March 01, 2006, 07:31:01 pm
I had heard that Magus' japanese name could be interperted as Demon King or Magic King.

So is Medina, Medina in the Japanese version?
Title: Medina
Post by: supaaren on March 01, 2006, 08:43:43 pm
I actually played through the version for that exact reason.  I should have your answer in a few hours; I just got to Arris Dome...
Title: Medina
Post by: Burning Zeppelin on March 02, 2006, 03:38:13 am
Dont get your hopes high. Its most likely not.
Title: Medina
Post by: GrayLensman on March 02, 2006, 07:33:11 am
Quote from: supaaren
I actually played through the version for that exact reason.  I should have your answer in a few hours; I just got to Arris Dome...

We have a complete Japanese script.