Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Kajar Laboratories => Topic started by: DUDE71 on February 20, 2006, 10:16:54 pm

Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: DUDE71 on February 20, 2006, 10:16:54 pm
I am making a fangame of the Chrono Series with RpgMaker 2003.  I copied a world map with Temporal Flux (into png format of course) and put it into the Chipsets.  I loaded it, but all I got was Black.  Also I looked at one of the Chipsets that Chrono Stream used and the water was animated.  Is there a way I can make a chipset that works using the maps from flux?  Also how was it animated?  I don't care about animation so much because I can use the other chipset.  I was just trying to make it easier to make a map (as close to the original as possible very easily and quickly (not searching for which Tile goes where) )
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on February 21, 2006, 08:54:42 pm
...Have you tried searching for existing rips of CT chipsets that have already been put into RPGmaker chipset format? Looking around on some RPGmaker resource sites is pretty easy.

Alternatively, making a chipset is much easier with zsnes than with TF, because you can remove chip layers and take screenshots.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Yeah Im To lazy to login on February 22, 2006, 01:33:39 am
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: DUDE71 on February 23, 2006, 08:42:55 pm
Um... I tried doing what you said to do with zsnes but I loaded them into Rpg Maker and the tiles sets turned out completly black (again).  
Is there something else I need to do? I need some help here!
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on February 24, 2006, 07:57:05 am
Are you taking screens with the print screen button? If you're doing that, you're doing it wrong, and should be taking screens with the inbuilt snes screenshot taker (check the options on Snes I think it's one of the 'F keys' that does the screen taking).
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: DUDE71 on February 24, 2006, 07:16:58 pm
No I didn't do print screen.  I did exactly what you said.  I pressed F1 and pressed enter with Take Screenshot Highlighted.  It Saves on My computer I can look at it on my computer too.  It IS in PNG format.  I have everything right that far, but when I go into RPG Maker I load it and it is all black.  
What's Going on!?!?!?!
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on February 24, 2006, 07:24:25 pm
I'm afraid I have no idea then. Sorry. You should be able to find lots of already make CT RPGmaker resources (try looking through the 'chipsets' folders of already existing RPGMaker CT fangames).
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Ramsus on February 24, 2006, 10:32:44 pm
Post some examples of the images you're trying to use.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on February 25, 2006, 12:37:24 am
Wait a minute. You didn't jus take screenshots and put them into RPGmaker, did you? You DID arrange the image pieces into a chipset of the right dimensions. Also, did you put it into 'indexed colour' mode rather than 'RGB' or 'full colour'? If it's not in 'indexed colour' RPGmaker won't recognise it,even if you have arranged it as a chipset.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: DUDE71 on February 25, 2006, 02:58:55 pm
yeah...   That's what I was doing.   :oops:

What are the right dimensions?  How do I get the right colors?

I'm an idiot...
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on February 25, 2006, 05:59:31 pm
another thing you will want to check is that the bit depth is 8
in my experiance, any other bit depth resulted into a black image that was unusable
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on February 25, 2006, 09:49:36 pm
Ok, since it's actually easier to show you than to teach you, I'm going to just GIVE you a load of CT chipsets I've collected off the web. I think after looking at some, you'll understand the dimensions and arrangements. For further questions, I suggest you consult an RPGmaker site.

Here are the resources for you:

This is a really good RPGmaking community. I used to hang there. The people are nice, they have FAQs and tutorials and I'm sure they'll help you (please read their FAQs and tutorials before asking them questions though or they might get mad at you).
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 11, 2006, 12:51:32 pm
i found out the reason why the picture turns black
you can easily make these images compatible with photoshop

Open Photoshop - Open Your Image
File - Save for Web - Select PNG 128 Dithered - Pick Selective - Save!

Now the Image should be compatible with RPG Maker
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: VinceIP on March 11, 2006, 01:07:39 pm
The image dimensions and everything you need to know about resource making is in Rm2k3's help file. You should be aware - making resources on your own is very challenging and time consuming. Trust me, I know; I've been with RPG Maker for years.

You can also get LOADS of help from Gaming World ( It is a community that pretty much revolves around RPG Maker, and is very large and active.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 11, 2006, 01:19:53 pm
Does anyone happen to have a chipset of the End of Time
I've been looking for one for a long time now...
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: VinceIP on March 11, 2006, 03:05:35 pm
I haven't seen one either. I don't think it's been made.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 11, 2006, 04:39:12 pm
can someone make one for me?
i tried to makeone earlier but it didn't work out really well since i don't know how to make proper chipsets
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: GrayLensman on March 11, 2006, 04:46:18 pm
Quote from: ultramarine
can someone make one for me?
i tried to makeone earlier but it didn't work out really well since i don't know how to make proper chipsets

At least from my experience, you won't be able to make a RPGMaker chipset for the End of Time, because everything is isometric.  I think you can simply take a screenshot and use it as a background image.  You could also redesign theEnd of Time.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 11, 2006, 09:25:33 pm
I have managed to remake the End of Time nearly flawlessly with RPG Maker 2003.

I did as GrayLensman suggested, used a background image.
If anybody wants the files for the End of Time, just ask.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on March 11, 2006, 11:13:35 pm
If you need sprite rips to use for things. I have found an awesome site:

Basically it's got sprite rip sheets from loads of games, including CT. Just look under 'square-enix'. You should find pretty much any sprites you need to use there, all you need to do is then re-arrange them into tilesets, character sets and the like.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 12, 2006, 12:19:37 am
Quote from: Darth Mongoose
all you need to do is then re-arrange them into tilesets, character sets and the like.

which is exactly what i don't know how to do
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on March 12, 2006, 01:09:14 am
Ok, I've made a simple tutorial using somebody's star ocean chipset I found on a site:


See? It's really not that hard. All you need to do is arrange the parts of the chipset in the correct parts of the rectangle. Most people work it out after looking at a few chipsets. Most of the time, you're best off just using other people's ready made chips though.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 12, 2006, 05:40:24 pm
By the way, you can use these as well:

That has every NPC and object sprite in the game.

Every monster sprite in the game. And lastly, for characters, check their individual entries. For locations, maps really aren't that helpful, since they aren't divided into individual tiles. However, you can load up Temporal Flux and simply do a printscreen of the tile swatch, as it does split all the tiles up (though some are arranged in common patterns).
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: GrayLensman on March 12, 2006, 06:01:01 pm
We should collect all these RPGMaker resources, and host them on the Compendium.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Erindar on March 14, 2006, 02:47:48 pm
That would be great i need alot of chipsets for CT and maybe if people have made ones for CC even.  I mostly just need characters, faces, and the battle sprites.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: VinceIP on March 14, 2006, 06:24:04 pm
CC sprites and tiles aren't really possible in Rm2k/3. They MIGHT be in XP though. Obviously, they'll be a lot harder to rip since they're low-quality 3D sprites. Faces are possible, though. I've seen a few on the internet.

Why wouldn't an isometric tileset be possible in Rm2k3?
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: GrayLensman on March 14, 2006, 08:06:27 pm
Quote from: VinceIP
CC sprites and tiles aren't really possible in Rm2k/3. They MIGHT be in XP though. Obviously, they'll be a lot harder to rip since they're low-quality 3D sprites. Faces are possible, though. I've seen a few on the internet.

Why wouldn't an isometric tileset be possible in Rm2k3?

I believe the RM2k3 engine calculates obstruction based on 32x32 square tiles, which means Sprites cannot smoothly follow a diagonal wall.  The Chipset layout, as shown above, does not lend itself to implementing an isometric environment.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 18, 2006, 11:01:36 am
can somebody please just put the end of time on a chipset correctly

i am aware of the problems concerning smooth movement but i can work that out
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: Darth Mongoose on March 18, 2006, 08:58:09 pm
The End of Time will not GO on a chipset correctly! IT IS ISOMETRIC! AND TOO BIG TO FIT ON A CHIPSET! We've already told you that.
The only way you could do it, as has already been said, would be to make it a picture that is placed under a blank chipset with walkable and un-walkable squares placed in the right places.

If you're going to use RPG maker, you need to learn how to make and modify resources for yourself. Go on some RPGmaker communities like Skytower games, play some games, like Naufragar Crimson, Sunset over Imdhal and Legion Saga 2 and 3 to get an idea of how to make a decent RPGmaker game before trying to make your own.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: GrayLensman on March 18, 2006, 09:34:47 pm
Yes, making graphics for RPMaker is a trivial exercise in image editing.  You should make the effort to learn how to do this yourself.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 18, 2006, 10:28:40 pm
Quote from: Darth Mongoose

are you sure its too big?

the main problem is that the movement would be a little bit buggy but an isometric chipset IS POSSIBLE

if an isometric chipset is impossible, then in theory a picture under a blank chipset too would be impossible

the blank chipset would just create some impassable areas which is exactly what the purpose of a chipset can do (surroundings with some areas with 0 passibility)
so "blank chipset with picture" = "normal chipset"
End of Time chipset is possible (chipset = chipset)
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: GrayLensman on March 19, 2006, 12:27:26 am
The trouble is, a lot of the area of the chipset are reserved for auto-tiles.  You might not be able to fit all the tiles necessary for the EoT, but you can only try.
Title: RPG Maker Chipsets
Post by: ultramarine on March 19, 2006, 12:56:13 am
I've been able to fit nearly all the required tiles for the chipset
However, I lack the experiance to do everything properly
Somebody can finish what i started if they wish...
