Chrono Compendium

Bend of Time - Inactive Projects => Darkness Beyond Time - Dead Project Discussion => Chrono Trigger Flash Series => Topic started by: Luminaire85 on December 27, 2005, 02:03:42 am

Title: Script Respones (Universal Episode Thread)
Post by: Luminaire85 on December 27, 2005, 02:03:42 am
Lordchander: This thread will be used univerally for ALL Scripts/Episodes instead of clogging up the stickied Episode Threads.
In each response, please specify which Script/Episode you are responding too.  :D

Use this thread to post any thoughts you have on the script and/or respond to those already posted.

Like I've mentioned before, I wrote drafts of several episodes over the fall semester. In my writing I've come up with a number of observations:

- My Frog dialogue could use some work. I think I've emulated how Frog speaketh in the game okay, but I'm afraid it'll sound ridiculous when spoken by the voice actor.

- Fighting through areas is hard to write for. I often found myself skipping dungeons (e.g. Manoria Cathedral, the jailbreak, Lab 16).

- Boss battles will need to be coreographed. (So far I've passed Yakra, the Dragon Tank, the Guardian, and the R Series.)

- I've been having the characters learn or reveal techs in a way that supplements the story. For example, Marle reveals a little about her relationship with her parents after casting Aura.

I'll think of some more later, when I'm more awake.[/b]
Title: Script Respones (Universal Episode Thread)
Post by: Lordchander on January 27, 2006, 05:01:40 am
Lordchander: Originally posted by Luminaire85 in a defunct thread. Moved to here for safe keeping.

With the script for Episode I almost done, I would like to begin thinking about Episode II. Naturally we have a lot of things to decide:

Length. Where is a good place to stop? I was thinking maybe just after the recruitment of Frog, but I'm open to ideas.

Title. I imagine this will either be "The Queen Returns" or "The Queen is Gone" depending on where we cut the script.

Scenes. Here are the ones I came up with:
    - Crono's arrival in Truce Canyon
    - Crono at Truce Inn
    - Crono's arrival at Guardia Castle
    - Marle's disappearance
    - Lucca's arrival
    - Manoria Cathedral/recruitment of Frog

If anyone has ideas on these or anything else regarding Episode II, I definitely want to hear them.
Title: Script Respones (Universal Episode Thread)
Post by: Luminaire85 on February 28, 2006, 10:25:11 pm
Saw this in the general forum and wanted to reference it.

Quote from: Daniel Krispin
All Frog does is use the archaic pronouns. However, those were in use even until the turn of the 20th century (even later, maybe), so it's not really THAT old a style. In fact, I think he uses very few of the words and, interestingly enough, uses them wrongly sometimes, though I can't remember exactly when. It's not hard, though, to replace you with thou in the subject case, and thee in the object (we still do the same with I and me, though admittedly people do often mix them up these days.) Your becomes thy or thine depending if a vowel follows or not. To here, to there, to where become hither, thither, and hither, while from here, from where, and from there become hence, whence, and thence. There are some other words that have fallen out of use that he makes use of, things like forthwith, etc. that I forget right now. But really, I'm reading a 1903 translation of Lucan's Civil War, and it's written in more archaic a fashion than Frog speaks. Heck, he doesn't even use words like 'wont', which was commonly used back then.