Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Chrono Trigger Modification => Topic started by: Dealdec on October 16, 2022, 11:54:55 am

Title: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 16, 2022, 11:54:55 am
Hello to everyone,

Can someone please help me in telling me how I can change the item given by a treasure chest?

I want to make a zero exp playthrough with the wallet at first chests in the game and change the wallet chest of Bangor Dome to give another item.

Please, help.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Mauron on October 16, 2022, 03:59:24 pm
There's multiple ways you could go about this. No matter what, you want to use Temporal Flux (

1) Changing Treasure.
- Start with Window -> Locations
- Change to {00D} Truce Mayor's Manor 1F
- Click the blue treasure link, and change the tonic to {acc}Wallet. This will be a little up in the list.
- At the bottom of that panel, you can switch back to the Loc Prop tab and go to {0D1} Bangor Dome Sealed Room. In this location, across from Chest is a 0 with up and down arrows. Adjust that until you see {acc}Wallet, and choose your preferred item.

2) Changing starting equipment.
- Download Warrior Workshop ( and extract the files to the same folder as Temporal Flux.
- In Temporal Flux, go to Plugins -> Warrior Workshop.
- Change Crono's starting accessory to {Acc}Wallet, then press Update Character.

3) Add an item to inventory.
- In Temporal Flux, go to Windows -> Location and choose {000} Load Screen, then click the blue Events link
- Click on the command labeled [00E1] SpecialDlg NameCrono
- Click Command on the left.
- Change the Category to Inventory, the Command to Item, and the Item to {Acc} Wallet.
- Click Update, then Write Mem.

4) Give a permanent wallet effect without equipping one.
- In a hex editor, go to 0x3DAEA4.
- Change D0 03 to EA EA.

After any changes in Temporal Flux, go to File -> Save.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 16, 2022, 06:22:23 pm
Hello Mauron, thanks a lot for your kind answer, I will give it a try, hope to do it well.


Edit: I success in the wallet request, thank you Mauron.

Again, can I please ask your help?

I want to add a star icon in the key items in the inventory like the Chrono Trigger Plus hack, but the video that Joseph Jensen uploads in YT is somewhat difficult cause it needs hex and I really didn't understand him too well.

Can it be a simpler way to add the icon in the key items in the inventory?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Zakyrus on October 16, 2022, 09:19:15 pm
What part is there not to understand?
Probably because I'm a hummingbird Tigger with my mother f****** ADHD!

I'll try to make a rehash of the video that's easier to understand and a lot shorter with less drunken swearing!

Basically you use the text sheet that is the key of items which numbers are assigned to which hex values...
Example: Potion is 80.
Blank_Space = FF

Using the formula in the sheet I provided in the downloads... You calculate where the item name is and replace the blank space FF with potion which is 80 and you get the potion icon.

Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 16, 2022, 10:07:22 pm
No friend, you are good in the teach, but I am a noob so I couldn't understand a lot hehe.

Could you please tell me a step by step way to just add the star icon in the key items in the inventory like the Chrono Trigger Plus hack?

Please... hehehe, hope you can friend.

Thank you a lot in advance.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: IHBP on October 16, 2022, 10:57:52 pm
I did it in temporal Flux under window/strings/itemFL. Just put a * in front of the item name.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 16, 2022, 11:06:33 pm
Wow, that is all? What easy, hehe, hope I can do it well.

Thank you a lot friend, by the way, your hack is really awesome.

Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Zakyrus on October 17, 2022, 04:32:49 am
Wow, that is all? What easy, hehe, hope I can do it well.

Thank you a lot friend, by the way, your hack is really awesome.


Yep. Let me know if you have any questions or trouble with it. I appreciate feedback on the videos, they need a rehash(eg: less swearing and made more for kids, etc.) 😎

I was going through a kind of rough time, so my videos come with the #NerdRage, lol

Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 17, 2022, 10:16:07 pm
Thank you Zakyrus.

Hello to all, friends, please let me ask another one, I just don't want to make a new topic but if you want me to do it I will.

I explain myself: I like the red cape Magus from Master Quest hack but MS04 didn't release it apart, so I need to install the entire hack, but it conflicts with my hacks installed, so I want to use his sprite in my game (I don't intend to reproduce it, I am just a fan that wants to play it at my likes).

Can anyone tell me, please, how can I extract sprites and import them?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: IHBP on October 17, 2022, 10:27:35 pm
CT+ has a standalone red cape Magus patch bundled in the download.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 17, 2022, 10:58:36 pm
Thank you, friend, but also I want to learn how to export and import sprites, could it be possible? :)
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: IHBP on October 17, 2022, 11:02:17 pm
It is possible but a little complicated, there are topics detailing it on this site. Sorry I don't remember which ones though.
Title: Re: Edit Treasure Chests
Post by: Dealdec on October 17, 2022, 11:11:08 pm
Oh don't worry, if it is so complicated I will just play as it is hahahah, thank you for your kind answers.