Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: PrincessNadia78 on May 02, 2018, 05:16:11 pm

Title: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 02, 2018, 05:16:11 pm
So I haven't been here as much lately because hubby and I have been looking for a new place to live. We've been looking at places and I think we finally got it picked out, but jeez, it's been exhausting! I'll be so glad when we are moved and settled.

So if I'm not on as much as I usually am, that's why! I just wanted to let you guys know so you know that my game isn't over. LOL  :lol:
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Mauron on May 02, 2018, 05:34:11 pm
Moving is definitely a hassle. That is one part of everyone's future that refuses to change.
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 02, 2018, 05:36:02 pm
Moving is definitely a hassle. That is one part of everyone's future that refuses to change.

Ok that second sentence was the best line ever! I'm going to remember that!  :lol:

*Edit* I also wanted to say this is one move that I welcome. We're going to have a lot more space and we're finally getting out of the craphole we've been living for a year. So needless to say I'm very excited!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 02, 2018, 07:16:25 pm
Sorry about the double post but UPDATE: Hubby just put the money down! The decision has been made! OMG I'm so excited! IMSOEXCITEDIMGONNADIE!!!

Ok, sorry, but I had to share with my Chrono family!!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Mauron on May 02, 2018, 07:26:55 pm
Moves can be both worth it and a hassle.

Hooray for money down!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 02, 2018, 08:29:58 pm
Moves can be both worth it and a hassle.

Hooray for money down!

Oh yes definitely. We are currently in a small place so there won't be too much to move but eventually we'll be going through stuff in storage to figure out what we all want at the new place and what to get rid of... that will be the not fun part. LOL Although when we get my stuff from Wisconsin down here, that will be like Christmas for me.  :lol:
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 02, 2018, 11:10:27 pm
Congrats on the new place! I assume you're staying in the same area and not moving inter-state or anything, right?
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 03, 2018, 02:02:05 pm
Yep you are correct! And the place we're moving to has a pool, restaurant, community center, tennis courts and a store! We will never want to leave! Ha ha!

I just found out we are getting the money today, so we might be able to move this weekend! Woot!!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 03, 2018, 03:07:43 pm
Yep you are correct! And the place we're moving to has a pool, restaurant, community center, tennis courts and a store! We will never want to leave! Ha ha!

There was a community like this back when I lived in Birmingham. It was SUPER fancy! Sounds awesome!

Well... uh... I guess I can no longer brag about having a Costco .33 miles from my house.
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 03, 2018, 05:43:06 pm
Yep you are correct! And the place we're moving to has a pool, restaurant, community center, tennis courts and a store! We will never want to leave! Ha ha!

There was a community like this back when I lived in Birmingham. It was SUPER fancy! Sounds awesome!

Well... uh... I guess I can no longer brag about having a Costco .33 miles from my house.

Ha ha! very true. I love south Florida! He he! I'm very excited, I think living there will be awesome.

I haven't been able to see my personal trainer all week because every day before work I've had something to do. Tomorrow it's signing papers. LOL Next week will be calmer though and time to buckle back down!

So everything is going smoothly, so far. Let's hope it stays that way. LOL
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 07, 2018, 04:25:12 pm
Sorry about the double post, but I just had to share... the move is done! I wish I had an extra day to unpack some more, but you know, adulting. We absolutely love the new place and am looking forward to getting to know our neighbors. Oh and I have to add, I bought a new car this weekend! We were upside down on our 2014 Kia Soul (my hubby used to work an hour and a half away and put a lot of miles on it) and stuff was starting to go wrong... you guys know how it is. So I got a new Kia Soul ( I really love those cars!) in Titanium Silver and I love it. it has Apple Play (which is sooo awesome!), a backup camera and is a way better color. LOL So the move is done and I have a new car... needless to say I'm happy! Of course my legs are killing me today bit that's fine as everything is done! Unpacking is the easy part. Ha ha!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Mauron on May 07, 2018, 04:29:30 pm
Hooray for done moving!
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 07, 2018, 04:56:18 pm
... the move is done! I wish I had an extra day to unpack some more, but you know, adulting. We absolutely love the new place and am looking forward to getting to know our neighbors. Oh and I have to add, I bought a new car this weekend! We were upside down on our 2014 Kia Soul (my hubby used to work an hour and a half away and put a lot of miles on it) and stuff was starting to go wrong... you guys know how it is. So I got a new Kia Soul ( I really love those cars!) in Titanium Silver and I love it.

Congrats on the move! And the new car! I know new car shopping can be daunting. I am the type of person to drive a car for 1,000,000 miles, and had to go through this last year. It's not fun.

Glad life is looking up. Even if only a Monday, you've got a lot to celebrate! Have a Full Tonic or a Soda to celebrate... and don't forget to pour it on Toma's grave.
Title: Re: Busy, busy!
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on May 07, 2018, 05:15:20 pm
Congrats on the move! And the new car! I know new car shopping can be daunting. I am the type of person to drive a car for 1,000,000 miles, and had to go through this last year. It's not fun.

Glad life is looking up. Even if only a Monday, you've got a lot to celebrate! Have a Full Tonic or a Soda to celebrate... and don't forget to pour it on Toma's grave.

Well at least I already knew what I wanted, and we'd been to the car lot twice before finally buying. LOL I have to admit, I love buying new cars as there hasn't been anyone else to mess it up. I heart me some virgin cars!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so, so glad the move is over. Of course, our previous landlord decided to be a dickhead as we were moving out but whatever, the move is done!!

Definitely celebrating!! Pouring soda over Toma's grave as we speak! LOL I'm pretty sure this is one of the best Mondays of my life!  :D