Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: PrincessNadia78 on April 19, 2018, 05:44:15 pm

Title: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 19, 2018, 05:44:15 pm
*voice echoes back*

This is the quietest I've seen this place since I joined. Where is everyone and why aren't you here?!

Ok, I'm kidding, I know everyone has real life. I'm still surprised by how quiet it is here today though!

Carry on and I'll be waiting!  :D
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Mauron on April 19, 2018, 05:51:11 pm
I'm enjoying a headache today, and don't always have much to say.
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 19, 2018, 05:53:41 pm
Ooooooo I'm sorry, headaches are awful. I hope you feel better soon!

And yeah, I'm in a silly mood today, hence the post. I know not everyone is as gabby as I can be.  :D

Feel better soon though!!
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 19, 2018, 05:59:44 pm
I'd guess most people simply have life stuff to do.

Me? Usually I just don't have much to say, either. Even when I'm here.
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 19, 2018, 06:03:19 pm
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, real life. Real life can be a pain though. LOL I just usually come in to see a lot of posts, today, not so much. But I do check the board quite a bit during the week though.  :D

Maybe I have too much to say. LOL

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!  :D
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 19, 2018, 11:54:18 pm
Some days I can log in multiple times a day. Today, definitely not!

It's nearly 11PM here and my break is over; I have a few more hours of work to do to stay caught up. The joys of being overworked and underpaid salarymen (and women)!
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Mauron on April 20, 2018, 12:47:53 am
Fun times were had by all. Or not.
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 20, 2018, 02:18:32 pm
Some days I can log in multiple times a day. Today, definitely not!

It's nearly 11PM here and my break is over; I have a few more hours of work to do to stay caught up. The joys of being overworked and underpaid salarymen (and women)!

Awww man, that sucks!! I've never been paid salary and I hope to never be. My ex-husband got paid salary and they worked him to the bone. Hopefully within a couple of years I'll be paying myself! That's the goal anyway.  :D

Well happy Friday and I hope you don't have to work as long today!
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 21, 2018, 10:56:42 am
Yay! It's the weekend! My wife is working this morning, so my daughter and I are tag-teaming some Minecraft with the Pixelmon mod. I'm helping look up the Pokemon in her book so she knows what types they are. :)

Already made some blueberry muffins, downed an ocean of coffee (with whole milk, 2 splenda, and a drop of vanilla extract, thank you very much).

Got my session 1 of a new D&D campaign tonight (session 0 was two weeks ago -- I'm playing a Gold Dragonborn Warlock-Hexblade). Gonna eat hibachi for lunch for the first time in ages.

Life is good. I'm enjoying the weekend for shizzle my nizzle.
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 23, 2018, 03:46:45 pm
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! You are way more productive than I am in the morning. LOL  :lol:
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 23, 2018, 04:36:53 pm
You are way more productive than I am in the morning

Kids have that effect. They force you to get up at godforsaken hours. I no longer sleep in, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 23, 2018, 05:47:41 pm
I have heard that. LOL I know having kids definitely has their joys, but at this point in my life I wouldn't want to have any. I'm almost 40 and my first husband didn't want any. Also, for me to have a child is difficult as I'd have to use a surrogate and we do not have the money to adopt. My husband doesn't have any kids of his own, but he raised all 4 of his ex's so he doesn't want to go there either. Perhaps in the next life and I am happy with my life as is (for the most part. LOL!!)
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 24, 2018, 12:30:57 am
Kids are certainly awesome, but yeah, they're a lot of work. Just think of the extra pocket change you'll have by not having any kids! Besides, pets make equally awesome children!

Off topic, but it made me think --

By the way, for those of us that go way back (sorry PrincessNadia), but our old friend Thought had a baby about a year or two ago. Send him positive vibes if you think of him!!!

And now back on topic...

Every time I see the title of this thread "Hello?" I can't help but think of Lionel Richie's little diddy:
Title: Re: Hello?
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on April 24, 2018, 01:31:23 pm
I love animals. My husband is actually opening up to the idea of having a cat, which makes me so happy because I LOVE cats. I keep marrying men that are allergic to them though and prefer dogs. Ha ha!

Positive vibes for Thought!  :D

Ok I'll check that out later, on my break. Ha ha!