Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kara Kazeneko on June 10, 2010, 02:52:10 am

Title: A little surprise that's a WIP...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on June 10, 2010, 02:52:10 am
So... The other day I picked up a copy of Soul Calibur 4. Been wanting it for a while, but one thing that made me seriously pursue getting it was that my brother discovered online that people have been using its character creator to do some epic stuff. By that, I mean trying to put other beloved game characters into the game somehow with the myriad of unlockable items that're in the game. My sister was certainly overjoyed in getting the game, being quite learned in doing this, having made on her b/f's savegame her own variation of Noel from BlazBlue (calls her Noabelle).

My sister might not have unlocked everything, but oh shit... with what she managed to get in 2 days, tonight she did something AWESOME - create a badass (and sexy) katana-wielder who LOOKS LIKE CRONO!

Not sure when we'll be able to do it, but we plan to take a good photo of him and then video footage (Because any character you create can be inserted into a battle movie; let's just say that I nearly jizzed my pants when I saw Crono appear, wielding the original Soul Calibur sword. It may be a pretty big sword for him to wield, but just being able to have him in a movie scene like that is thrilling.). Bwa ha... and my sister aims to create an SC version of Magus once she acquires better items to use (already got him started, with an epic scythe/voice bits taken from the character Zasalamel).
Title: Re: A little surprise that's a WIP...
Post by: Temporal Knight on June 10, 2010, 12:21:29 pm
I once created my role-play character Chris on SC4 on my friends PS3. I have to say, they did an excellent job making use of that system, and should incorporate it in the future of the Soul Caliber series.
Title: Re: A little surprise that's a WIP...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on June 11, 2010, 02:48:06 pm
Speaking of roleplay characters, that's what we worked on last night - "Lady Kara", the villainess a friend of mine based on elements of some of my own roleplay characters and put in his Disgaea comic. We got her looking so close to the original art ( that it is freaky-awesome.

...Oh, and we got Magus finished, too. May not have pointy ears, but he is UBER BADASS.
Title: Re: A little surprise that's a WIP...
Post by: Temporal Knight on June 11, 2010, 03:58:02 pm
You should put up pictures.
Title: Re: A little surprise that's a WIP...
Post by: Kara Kazeneko on June 16, 2010, 08:02:26 pm
Once we're able to take some pictures (especially ones that don't suck; our camera can be quite annoying sometimes), I'll be sure to post them on here ASAP....