Marbule Gallery - Completed Fan Creations > Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile

Scoring the game

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I imagine we'll have a huge thread like this for CE when the time comes. I'm going to break down the game scene-by-scene and we can choose how to score it in discussion.

JCE3000GT is more than willing to insert music from RD / FF6 and remix tunes. It's fantastic that with SPC hacking advancing, we'll be able to easily showcase a little progress with a finished fan project.

* Title screen - ZEAL PALACE
Segment One

* Magus summons Lavos - SILENCE, then LAVOS'S THEME
* World of ice - STRONG WIND
* Magus reaches Zeal - CORRIDORS OF TIME
* Janus and Gaspar - BRINK OF TIME
* Zeal Palace - ZEAL PALACE
* Magus speaks with Zeal - CONFUSING MELODY
* Zeal discovers the rooms - SILENT LIGHT REMIX
Segment Two

* Beast's nest - SILENT LIGHT REMIX
* Beast boss - BOSS BATTLE 1
* Magus presents the hide - ZEAL PALACE REMIX
* Guest room - ZEAL PALACE
* Magus consults with the Knights - TRUCE CANYON
* Janus talks with Schala - BLACKBIRD, GRIEVE
* Melchior argues with Queen Zeal - ZEAL PALACE REMIX
* Magus battles Melchior - SILENCE
* Magus talks to Schala - FAR PROMISE ~ DREAM SHORE
Segment Three

* Cerulean Lake - EPITAPH
* Nu Battle - BATTLE 1
* Magus speaks with Nu - EPITAPH
* Dalton, Zeal, Magus - ZEAL PALACE REMIX
* Dalton confronts Magus - MAGUS CASTLE
* Magus battles Golem - FINAL CONFRONTATION
* Magus confronts Dalton - UNDERSEA PALACE REMIX

* Programmer's Room - KIDS RUN THROUGH THE CITY
* Zeal Note - OPENING Pt. 3

* I suggest something different for Terra Cave, or a remix of Silent Light.
* Perhaps we can use a muted remix of Corridors of Time for Enhasa.
* Brink of Time (or remix of) for the Janus and Gaspar scene?
* Corridors of Time remix for Kajar?
* Confusing Melody for Magus speaks with Zeal?
* Something ominous would be better for Zeal's discovery of the rooms...Silent Night remix, Zeal Palace remix?
* Silent Night remix for Beast's Nest. I couldn't find any other good dungeon music in FF6 or RD for it.
* Good Night seems to be a little happy given the nature of Magus's dreams and the fact that he's in Zeal Palace. I'll ask JCE if he knows how to tweak it or can find something in a minor key.
* Zeal Palace remix for Melchior's argument?
* What should we use for Mt. Woe? The original is strong wind, but if we want to use something, there's Leonid's Castle from RS3.
* I guess Silence might be best for the Melchior / Magus battle. I think that's why I want some kind of music for Mt. Woe; silence on top of wind is pretty bleak.
* Magus talks to Schala - I had the idea of using Far Promise ~ Dream Shore with a guitar here.
* Cerulean lake - Epitaph (FF6), Underwater Palace (RS3), or just Truce Canyon. What do you think? This might be the only place we can have an FF6 song, and Epitaph is relaxing enough.
* Nu Battle - I have no idea. Suggestions?
* Remix for the Ocean Palace? Since it's not finished yet, maybe the remix could make it slightly less dramatic.
* For Dalton's confrontation, maybe "Facing" from Radical Dreamers will work, with "Final Confrontation" afterwards? But once the battle's done, I think reverting to Ocean Palace sounds great.

That wraps up my notes. I'll tell JCE about my ideas. Suggestions?

Oh, man, this is so going to rock! "Facing" and "Final Confrontation" for Magus v. Dalton? Priceless. Excellent work on this, guys!

As far as such imports go from other SNES games, you're only considering Square games, right? I imagine implementing music from, say, ActRaiser II or the Brandish series would be murder considering the instrumentation would have to be imported as well as sequencing data. I imagine music from other Square games is much more compatible with the way Chrono Trigger does things.

Ooh, man, I just remembered "Northern Hemispheres" from Donkey Kong Country. T'would be interesting for Mt. Woe. Another snowy theme applicable to Mt. Woe would be Tactics Ogre's "Ice Battle Theme." And, ah! "Sonia's Fortress" from Equinox. But once again, technical aspects make such things a pipe dream no doubt.

Bahamut Lagoon had some interesting music, and it was a Square game. One piece even sounds as if it could pass for a variation on Schala's theme.

Too bad Square didn't do Tales of Phantasia. Oh, hoh hoh, that beautiful music!

Oh, that reminded me. Are we going to have a programmer's room?

Wait, this is a game about Magus and we haven't used Battle with Magus. Maybe we can throw it in as an easter egg somewhere?


--- Quote from: ZeaLitY on December 20, 2007, 06:14:42 pm ---Oh, that reminded me. Are we going to have a programmer's room?

Wait, this is a game about Magus and we haven't used Battle with Magus. Maybe we can throw it in as an easter egg somewhere?

--- End quote ---

LOL. This just gave me an idea. What if we make the programmer's room empty? Please note that I'm not being ungrateful or anything; I just think it would be funny to have the room totally bleak as a sort of inside joke (the development of the game was frozen for half a year after all). We could leave a note in the room saying we left to work on a project involving the "other" Zealian warlock...

As for Battle With Magus, that could perhaps be played during the ending sequence.


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