Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis > Reality, Real-World Connections, and the Supernatural

Governments of the Chrono Series [Finalized]

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Finalized and Presented in Real World Influences

--- Quote from: Solar661 ---65,000,000 BC

Ioka has shades of meritocracy: didn't Ayla say that the strongest person would be the village leader? Then again, the average Iokan appears to be his/her own ruler, so to speak, and the meetings themselves would probably be more ceremonial than political.

Laruba is essentially identical, but perhaps its leader is chosen on the basis of age rather than might.

We the players witness only one instance in which Azala shows her (*shoots the fascists*) authoritarian leadership; that would be her commanding Nizbel to sic the party. There is nothing else to suggest how she actually governs the Reptites. There IS, however, a suggestion of "ancestor worship/respect/etc.": notice how several of the doors in the Tyrano Lair are made of dinosaur skulls.

12,000 BC

Zeal is an absolute monarchy with an "Enlightened" despot, though Enhasa and Kajar may hold the title of "free cities".

Algetty continues to function in the manner of Ioka and Laruba, albeit with better syntax in the leader's speeches.

AD 600

Guardia is your standard monarchy, neither autocratic nor figureheaded.

San Dorino has an elder; Porre, a mayor; Truce and Choras have neither. All four cities are more sophisticated versions of the two Stone Age settlements and the Earthbound village, basically.

Magus is Emperor of All Mystics. Enough said.

AD 1000

The trial scenes heavily suggest that Guardia has become a constitutional monarchy, especially "the elective process".

Truce now has a mayor; San Dorino has fallen to quicksand; Medina, the middle establishment, has an elder; Porre and Choras are unchanged. There doesn't seem to be much political change in any city.

AD 2300

Of the two domes in which some semblance of human civilisation survives, one is an anarchy, and the other is a pale copy of the pre-historic regimes.

As for the robots, well, let's just say that Mother Brain is a dictatrix (Latin suffixes > you) presiding over a mechanical society, in which pure communism has likely succeeded (machines are perfect, they say).
--- End quote ---

I would like to add that Porre later became a military state, and that the nature of the Central Regime is unknown, other than that it supposedly maintains a strong military (Chronopolis was called a military institute, it is revealed).

I would ask what El Nido would be considered, but I guess that might be a little complicated, with Porre taking over makes a difference, and if so, would they even take over in the ideal timeline?
I guess Termina and Viper Manor are ruled kinda like the way mentioned for Guardia, but it doesn't seem like Guldove or Marbule really answer to anyone...

What about the society of 1999 AD in the original Timeline?  We see the Supervisor, Operator, and Director (of whom Doan is a descendant) managing the Info Center during the Day of Lavos.  It is unclear whether this is a civil or military installation, but they wear similar uniforms to Guardian soldiers in 1000 AD.  The Director definitely fulfilled some sort of leadership role and this tradition carried on well after the apocalypse.  This could elude (certainly not intensionally) to the militant nature of the Porre empire which may have been in power.  However, since Doan was a descendant of the Guardian royal line, I tend to think that Guardia maintained sovereignty in 1999 AD.

Keep in mind though, that by 1999, neither Guardia nor Porre may exist any more as a nation.  The whole dome structure civilization had taken reeks of invididualised city states locked off or distrustful of the others.  Chronopolis's nature of being disguised as a military research center (with a wing of fighter aircraft I might add) shows that whoever ran it was obviously distrustful of whoever else was around at the time.

By 2300 things had degenerated so badly into a separatist tribal or anarchist "government" that some of the locals seemed suprised there was anyone else out there when chrono and team showed up.  Realistically, the people of Arris and Bangor domes should of had a completely different accent or even language from each other considering how long they had been separate.

The computers may have united them in that regard; static things around the dome would stick in English, and perhaps would maintain the language.


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