Characters: Magus/Crono/Marle/Lucca/Kid/Serge/Schala/Glenn//Lavos
Pose/Scene: Crono/Marle/Lucca on one side, fighting against Lavos with Lucca and Marle hitting it with Fire and Ice spells respectively, and Crono letting loose with his Spincut Technique. Then on the other side have Kid, Serge and Glenn from CC fighting against the CC version of Lavos, with Schala in it with Serge and Glenn doing X-strike and Kid doing her famed Dagger-shooting attack (Red Pin?)
For the dividing middle piece, a still frame of Magus' face with text underneath it saying: "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it.
If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh."
I don't really have any references for the poses, sorry.